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Look What Killed the Cat

14:24 / 10.01.07
i've been working on a series of short stories about the concept of curiosity, and its affect on people. All if the short stories revolve around one incident told from six different points of view, and one narrative of the incident. each story is told from one persons point of view about the incident, the resulting changes in that persons life, and their eventual meeting with the other people involved, all of whom are drawn together because of this one incident*.

suffice to say this incident involves curiosity, and a group of radicals who have been told by a certain source (whom they believe to be a higher intelligence) that curiosity will eventually lead to humankinds downfall.

i wont say what the radicals do, or what happens after theyve done it, but im hoping that it'll come out quite well.

* where i'll go from their meeting, i dont know. i may do a short on this group after a while, but i dont know.
Jack Fear
16:08 / 10.01.07
That's nice.

And you mention this because...?
16:34 / 10.01.07
i may have missed something, but isnt this the Creation thread, for posting things of this sort?
16:57 / 10.01.07
i realise that i havent actually answered your question. i posted it for feedback, really. for ideas from other people, for criticism, for queries, and things of that sort.
Jack Fear
18:41 / 10.01.07
Well, I'd be happy to give you some feedback... if only I could, y'know, read the actual stories.

Giving us the back-of-the-book blurb tells me nothing, really. The stories could be great, they might not. I'll never know if I don't read them.

Is it a promising idea? Sure. But many great stories have started with less-promising ideas. Ideas are everywhere, and they're cheap. Execution is everything.

So, as the bishop said to the actress: Let's have a look at 'em!
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