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The Action Room - new pop culture internet radio show

01:07 / 09.01.07
Some friends and I have put together a new internet (not podcast, yet, we've gotta set that up) radio show about comics, movies, animation, video games, music, etc., titled THE ACTION ROOM. First episode (about 15 min. of audio) is up, along with some links to video interviews as well with Dana Snyder, voice of Master Shake on the Aqua Teen Hunger Force and several other peeps...we've got a MySpace page as well should you care to add and be inclined to do that MySpace sorta thing.

The site, the show, the experience.

Check it out and let us know what you think! I'm the co-host of the show.
16:51 / 10.01.07
We also interviewed Michael Golden and Bill Sienkewicz at a recent NYC Con; the interviews will be up in future shows.
Tim Tempest
21:29 / 11.01.07
Listening to the first Ep. as we speak. Good stuff, F-Wolf!
00:31 / 13.01.07
Thanks, Odd!
Benny the Ball
09:22 / 13.01.07
Nice one FW - looking forward to the Bill Seinkewicz interview!
01:45 / 18.01.07
Yeah...Bill S. was really cool and totally approachable, gave us a lot of time (esp. since we're a tiny new radio show that no one's ever heard of). However, he was also sort of a slow storyteller, so my editor is working on editing down his 15-minute story about being stopped by US customs (and looked at suspiciously since he was working on the history of the CIA-expose book BROUGHT TO LIGHT with Alan Moore at the time) to the best and most relevant 5 min. or so. *lol*

One thing that won't make it onto the radio show: I knew his last name was Polish, so I asked him what it meant. He said he thinks it means "Son of the son," literally. (like the phoentic "ovitch" means 'son of' in Russian)

Another interesting fact I never knew about him that will also not make it onto the show: His father wanted to be an artist and failed/gave up early on his quest. (I asked if there were any other artistic types in his immediate family growing up...he's the only one, other than his father's past dreams in that area)
01:11 / 17.02.07
Several new ep's up, one with former X-editor Jason Liebig (who Rich Johnston interviewed a while ago about Harras being given the heave-ho and Joe Q. becoming EIC subsequently) and some sound bites this week from Joe Q. himself about the Stephen King Dark Tower comic 'midnight debut' event. Video clips too, in our YouTube section ('The Action Tube' on the site).
01:11 / 17.02.07
also, if you're so inspired, post on our message board/forum (the link is on the main site under "Forum").
04:09 / 24.02.07
First ep. with a live musical guest is up this week -

plus, today we got STAN LEE to say on video/audio "Hi, this is Stan Lee and you're listening to The Action Room!" Man, the guy is just so energetic, friendly and witty - tons of energy at age 85. May we all be so vibrant at that age. Also, we got a fun bit with Stephen Colbert (this stuff will be on a future episode).
Alex's Grandma
11:25 / 24.02.07
It's not really my place to say this of course, FW, but still, wouldn't it have been an idea to have had a shave and, you know, possibly a haircut before posting that picture in the Action Room?

I'm sure you're a handsome man, IRL, but I don't know if you're necessarily showing yourself in the best of all possible lights here.
02:37 / 25.02.07
*lol* I think you're referring to the pic of comedian Artie Lange on the site's revolving graphics. He did a station ID for us. That ain't me.

My pic is viewable by clicking "The Hosts" on the site, you can see it there if you are really curious. (my last name is really 'Wolf') My co-host is Afua; her pic is also there.

Unless your comment is the famous Barbelith sarcasm at work... but it seems pretty certain you think I'm Artie Lange.
02:43 / 25.02.07
And now to further prove that I am not Artie Lange, I inflict upon you THIS.
Alex's Grandma
06:36 / 25.02.07
All right. You're *not* Artie Lang. I can go along with that, I suppose. Plausible deniability, and so on.

On a slightly different note, the stylish fellow pictured in the above link wasn't in 'Pulp Fiction' by any chance, was he?
13:31 / 25.02.07
Hmm? Not sure who you feel I resemble from the cast of movie 'Pulp Fiction' - so far I've only been in some indie films, short films, 2 small TV commercials which stopped airing about 4 years ago and some radio commercials, lots of small theater around the country... so I definitely was not in Pulp Fiction. I often get told that I resemble Bob Saget (ouch), Matt Lauer (a world of improvment over Bob Saget), Jerry Seinfeld, and one or two other actors here and there.

Why are we discussing this, anyway? *lol*
04:09 / 26.02.07
or are you saying you think I look like Tim Roth? Also a possibility I suppose. I'm just trying to figure out your cryptic comment, I'll stop now...
23:49 / 03.03.07
Our con coverage is up - both the radio show and the video/YouTube stuff (linked on our site as "The Action Tube"). STAN LEE DOES AN ID FOR OUR SHOW! Major geekgasm for me. Also, Hayden Pantierre, Eli Roth, John Landis, K evin Smith, Chuck D from Public Enemy, Stephen Colbert and Gary Coleman.
Alex's Grandma
22:35 / 04.03.07
Or are you saying you think I look like Tim Roth?

More the 'Flock Of Seagulls' guy, perhaps.
19:31 / 06.03.07
Stan Lee, the cheerleader from Heroes and many others do station IDs for us. this is the direct link, to save you time fishing about at our youtube site.
Tim Tempest
20:57 / 06.03.07
Dude thats terrific! Was that just at the NYCC this past weekend?
Tim Tempest
20:59 / 06.03.07
Oh wait. Never mind. I got excited and posted before I had read the rest of the thread.
23:37 / 06.04.07
I discuss my appearance as Spider-Man (a store appearance to promote Spider-Man 3) in this week's episode. Secrets of official Marvel character appearances revealed!!!
11:11 / 08.04.07
Finally got round to watching this, Wolf Man. Good stuff!
13:22 / 09.04.07
Thanks, Triplets!
05:19 / 05.05.07
The Spider-Man episode is being 'rerun' in honor of the opening weekend of Spider-Man 3, by the way (link above).
13:53 / 23.07.07
we just got an ID from Patton Oswalt from when he was in Brooklyn last week; and the new episode features the youtube hit "Planet Unicorn." The Action Room gang (everyone on the show except me) is going to the San Diego ComicCon and we hope to have lots of fun stuff to share when we return...
16:45 / 05.08.07
New episode up (just click the website link in the very first post of this thread) with GWENYTH PALTROW, ROBERT DOWNEY, JR., LIV TYLER, JON FAVREAU, MATT GROENING, SAM RAIMI and many others from San Diego ComicCon.... (not a hoax, not an imaginary story; we got IDs and/or interviews with all these people). The videos of the celebs are on our YouTube account ("The Action Tube" link on the main site)
16:57 / 01.10.07
ok, folks, it's October 1, and that means that the
On-Demand cable network, Illusion TV, which carries
the brand-new ACTION ROOM monthly, half-hour comedy TV
show, has launched!!

The show springs out of our podcast. I am acting in several of the sketches (doing on-camera and v/o work) and wrote one of the sketches, edited some of the others. It's
an ensemble show - the product of many talented

The site for the network is here:


our show is listed on the main page. They have two brief
clips from the half-hour show on there for you to see.

and then you can check the AFFILIATES page out to see if your cable package/area has the network.

The website adds:

>> If you don’t get Illusion, don’t fear... we’re
adding more carriers every month, and if you call and
yell at your cable provider there’s a better chance
we’ll be available in your area.

We will be giving everyone more information regarding
which cable providers carry the network as we get it.
We're already hard at work on the 2nd episode.
16:23 / 19.10.07
you can see 2 of our comedy sketches online.

one of them is here (you have to watch a brief ad first; I introduce the sketch as a Rod Serling-type):

Scott Baio's reality TV show parody, starring Dracula!

And the other, where I played the nerd and did the voice-over, is here:

80s video game movie trailer!!
15:43 / 22.01.08
we did a parody of the Tom Cruise Scientology interview. I played Mr. Cruise.

Here it is.

Twinkiology. That's right, Twinkiology.
02:19 / 26.02.08
What if the Oscars were like Mortal Kombat?
17:30 / 26.02.08
That's a big Twinkie.
jentacular dreams
18:23 / 26.02.08
18:23 / 26.02.08
We got featured on G4's website!! (no joke!!)
20:48 / 12.08.09
The show is still on the air, streaming at...

The Action Room's Official Website!

and we got an ID from the Attack of the Show hosts:

Kevin Pereira, Olivia Munn and Blair Butler!
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