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Stupidly easy music software request

Perfect Tommy
09:21 / 06.01.07
I've decided 2007 is the year I return to music. I always used to get derailed by (1) failure to appreciate simplicity, and (2) a tendency to start examining trees before taking in the bounds of the forest. So, this time, I want to try to keep it simple, stupid. I was thinking, "I'll just sing all the parts into a 4-track!" Then I realized that, like, maybe people use hard disks instead of cassette tapes now. I thought I'd see if anyone had any suggestions for software that is powerful enough to pretend to be a 4-track, but not so powerful that I'll get completely confused.
Closed for Business Time
11:00 / 06.01.07
1 question: Are you comfortable downloading pirate softwarez? If so, there's a plethora of stuff out there.

ATM I use Sony Acid Pro 5.0 as the main editing suite, make my beats on Hammerhead (which is freeware, lithe and half-decent) and master the finished product on Wavelab. These installed on an audiac'lly-challenged laptop that nevertheless provides me with pleasing-enough sonics. At least if I use headphones.
And all these are pretty PC-friendly & straight-forward to use, even sans fu.
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