But for me, at least, the twitch I was raised with the most for why prostitution may be wrong is that prostitutes are often treated very poorly, and that it's wrong to have a default profession that it is presumed that all women can do, and thus should do if they are desperate for money. I guess it was a feminist thing. I kind of agree with that still, but I think it's too context-specific.
Well, this is one perspective. I really do not wish to make this a discussion on prostitution or the relationship between sex work and magick work, but your perspective concludes that in all cases of sex work, there is little choice in the matter for the worker. This is most definitely, not true. It does exist, but it is not the norm. After witnessing first-hand the ambition of a fledgling movement, I can hardly make claims that sex workers are being coerced. Perhaps there are poor working conditions, conflictive legislation, stigmatization, and so forth, but the idea, that very idea, that because "a woman" choses sex work, she cannot chose anything else, is in my opinion, unfounded. Most people change their profession at least 3 times in their life. Why couldn't sex work just be one of those choices? I am certain, no - I know for a fact that many sex workers do many, many other things. It just seems odd saying these women don't want to do sex work. What they don't want, in fact, is the lousy attitude handed to them by a society that likes to use them , sneakily, on the side, and then condemn them in Parliament to face dangerous and dehumanizing circumstances in the course of their work. The law itself, and a generally misinformed public, perpetuates the very conditions you are against, EmberLeo. We can have another thread to specifically compare sex work and magick work, if you would like. It certainly interests me.
Now, to make this post more than barely over the line of threadrot, let's assume that sex work is a choice someone makes, like deciding they wanted to be a receptionist or server, like most of the women I know who do it.
Lola, all service requires another person, or else there is no service and it is DIY.
I will make more thread appropriate posts later. I apologize for taking this slightly off-track with loaded issues. |