Please excuse me if you're offended by they seeming insulting simplicity of the following question; What's up with the Beast? I've been reading/studying/regularly baffled by LIBER ABA, Book 4, for the past 6 monthes, and I've come recently to take serious consideration of certain parts of Crowley's psycho-historical presence. Now he regularly called himself 666, the Great Beast, the Megatherion, but there I've found throughout Book 4 Crowley encourages the student to enact rituals the Great Beast wrote for himself, in which the magician calls hirself the Megatherion, calls his Scarlet Woman, BABALON. Several Seals he encourages the student to use involved dedications or invocations of the Megatherion, such as the Circle he instructs the student to cast in which the Magician calls themselves the Megatherion several times.

And what of Tarot Trump XI, Strength, or to 666, Lust? Crowley shows great BABALON riding the 7 headed Beast of the Apocolypse. In the description of the card the Beast represents the lower base intelligence, associated with the 7 kings of Edom, the Qlippothic world, Robert Anton Wilson noted the beast in this card representing the gestalt imprinted activity of Circuits I-IV, the terrestrial circuits, and BABALON symbolizing the bliss of CIrcuit V, the neurosomatic circuit.
Jesus is another good example of this formula, as well as one of its greatest mysteries. To the Qabalist, the purpose of earthly existence is the elevation of the Soul, in all of its parts, to the Godhead, one of the steps taken on that path is that of Shin, connecting 8-10, Hod to Malkuth. This letter represents the Divine Feminine outside the garden of eden, as the visually represents the threefold nature of the soul in its glyph.

When Shin descends upon the Tetragrammaton, YHVH, it does so in the center, maintaining its balance, transforming 4 to 5, the square to pentagram, YHVH to YHShVH. Verbalized YHVH is Yehovah, YHShVH is Yeheshuah. Joshua or Jesus in our vernacular.
Was Jesus an initiate? Like Crowley? I can't really tell if the YHShVH word trick was created in the past 2000 years, to justify the existence and phenomenon of Yeheshuah Ben Yosef of Nazareth, or whether it predated him. He was a Jew, and a Rabbi at that. In my research of the history of Magick, I've accepted as my theory that the Qabalah as it comes down to us today is either the repository of a great amount of the symbolism and knowledge of the Hellenic and Egyptian Mysteries, and or a close cousin to those systems.
The Qabalah as it might have existed at the time, possibly constituting a then living body of initiation, complete with order and temples in the Jewish communities of the day. Jesus could have been an initiate of such an order, or any number of the priestly orders which he affiliated himself could have held such practices, such as the Zadokite or Melchizedek proesthoods.
The divine name YHShVH represents, in a very strict symbolism,the deified earth, the four elements united with the divine fire. Mystery religions were obviously still in great vogue then, the triumph of Christianity still 4 or 5 centuries ahead. In the same way initiates in the Eleusinian mysteries took the name Mystes as their priestly class, and the Orphic Baccoi or Aegipan. YHShVH becomes a series of guiding principles of the brains programming. A personality within the brain, a God to be possessed by.
Was the Yeheshua Ben Yosef of Nazareth, the same Yeheshua who 30 years later ministered to a subjugated populace, inciting nationalism against the occupying forces, enacting miracles. How many Yeheshua's could have been in the bible? How many different magi could have served as Yeheshua? Could the Son of God and his twelve apostles been a cabal of jewish magi-initiates, who rotated position, and title regularly?
If you've read this far into this, thanks, i really don't expect anyone to try and answer these questions, but feel free to. |