With a mix CD, you just select the songs and burn them to a disc. Mix tapes are more of an art.
I've gotten pretty "artsy" with my mix CDs. When I first began making them, I did just as you describe: select songs, burn disc. Later I learned to fade tracks into each other, mix spoken word into a song track, insert sound bites between songs, etc. Most recently I made a mix CD which was over a continuous hour of bebop mixed with Bukowski spoken word and interview excerpts. I am currently working on one which mixes a bunch of Hunter S. Thompson with various songs and snippets.
What do you like better, mix tapes or mix CDs?
I prefer making mix CDs since my computer is like a recording studio, and I can pretty much achieve whatever I can imagine. My first mixes were rudimentary; now I'm pretty much making "trance CDs" for my pals.
I admit a certain nostalgia for the cassette tape. Recently I found a box full of old mix tapes from college. Popped them into my Sony portable stereo cassette deck and listened. The sound quality was still good, the tapes still playable. Many of these were made in 1989. I wonder if I'll still be able to play my mix CDs in 15 years... |