I've made some sigilesque things in flash utilizing binary, ascii, morse, and combinations thereof. There's just something about flashing lights and noises that help get to the edge of gnosis. I haven't used this method much because I'm not a big sigil person, but the proof-of-concepts went quite well.
There is also fun to be had with the random functions. For instance, you can make a sort of tarot deck of images which are randomly selected and displayed while you are going about your ritual.
It basically comes down to how you view your computer. I've been toying with the idea of a digital shrine lately, but not like those crap animated gifs of candles you see on websites. I'm thinking of making a partition on my harddrive dedicated to a godform, and only putting things in that space that pertain to that godform. Say I make an Odin drive, than I'd put images that pertain to Odin there, maybe notes about rituals, or I could type up praise for Odin and save it to this space. Instead of dedicating a part of my home for a god, I'm dedicating a part of my freespace (possibly more meaningful when you compare how much maintence I put into the two). Granted, some deities may not be fond of this method, but some could appreciate the effort.
A computer is a tool for magic if you have the right connecton with it, just like runes, tarot, dice, candles, or really anything are tools for magic if you have the right connection with that something. |