Aksherly, the Metron ish in that arc is written by Rick Veitch - I totally didn't notice until I read the credits; there's a nice moment where Metron, experiencing everything as he does, is a writer going blind in a garret in Buenos Aires - Borges in other words.
Following Mario's point about the GLC, and I've only ever read the Moore shorts to be fair (and many of the particularly odd characters tossed off are not really explored and not a million miles from ensembles in, say, Hitchhiker's Guide,) it's kinda hard for them to seem inhuman, given obviously a human wrote them.
Pinning 'cosmic' is pretty difficult, I guess - it either seems to be human emotions writ large (X-women all die in space, offworld, ya notice? Well, Edie Sawyer and Jean the first time anyway) or kinda abstracted as in, for example, PK Dick's Clans of the Alphane Moon where everyone's categorised by mental disorder and thereby this is enhanced. |