Well, it's not like anybody at that conference forgets the Holocaust happened, or even that they want people to forget (the idea that the evil, evil Zionists managed to fabricate massive amounts of bulletproof evidence whilst isolated from each other in concentration, but not extermination, camps to get a small patch of dirt surrounded on all sides by people who hate them and want them dead is too juicy a political morsel for governments in the region to pass up)- they know it happened, they've seen as much evidence for it as any sane Holocaust researcher. There's not a person at that conference who really believes a single thing they say (the Orthodox Jewish contingent aside). The 'conference' is a live-action roleplaying game, a long and well publicized session of make-believe where David Duke and friends get to play the small band of heroes alone against the terrible threat posed by international Jewry.
This performance, apart from being a way for assholes to connect with each other in a way not seen since the ending of Requiem for a Dream, is not for the benefit of the speakers though. The speeches will be broadcast on Iranian TV, excepts translated into every language spoken by anti-semitic fuckwits (hopefully we'll see some of the English translations soon) and bound into books to be sold at Gun-shows and the like. The intention is precisely to deny the lesson of history until nothing stands between us and the second Holocaust, which we (the U.S and U.K) will be unable to prevent while our respective forces are locked in conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. |