This is probably going way, way off-topic, but i can't resist the coincidence... i saw this thread just after reading this on the first page of the "Lyrics O' Your Life 2006" thread in Conversation:
I love little pussy her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hurt her she’ll do me no harm.
I’ll sit by the fire and give her some food.
And pussy will love me because I am good.
--"I Love Little Pussy," Little Marcy
and, well, i haven't actually heard it, but, well, i know (roughly) what (i'm not sure, frankly, if i should say "who") Little Marcy is: basically, a hideous thing from the Bible Belt of America, consisting of a talking/singing puppet, voiced presumably by some unwitting small child, which "made" records of traditional and made-up Christian children's songs, probably to raise money for some religious organisation. "Wholesome family entertainment" that's a perfect candidate for the "Gleeshusheesh" (or whatever it's called) thread...
so, i'm imagining, if that lyric being sung sounds how i expect it to sound (creepily, almost-unbelievably innocent-yet-sinister), it being sampled over some really twisted, dark (think, like, Squarepusher meets Alec Empire meets KMFDM or something) electronica...
if Twink sounds remotely like something like that would sound, then i'm all over it. It probably doesn't, tho...
On a totally different tip, i believe the melodica, which the hugely influential Augustus Pablo pioneered the use of in reggae, and used to make some of the most eerie and spiritually transcendent instrumental music ever (IMO), was originally a children's toy instrument, and was laughed at as a gimmick when first used. If so, that's pretty amazing, and i'd love to have been one of the kids who got given one when they were just a kiddie novelty... |