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Jewelry (& chainmail) shop talk

17:55 / 06.12.06
So this thread in convo seems to indicate that a few people are interested in the making of chainmail jewelry, and I want to talk about it while I wait for my materials to arrive. I'm starting a design book, and people's ideas/requests are welcome.

While personally I want to do clothing— vests, shirts, and skirts in colored metals and rubber links— that's not where I'm going to make my money. They're too expensive and the market is too small currently. It's mostly wealthy goths and fetish scene folks I can think of who might buy these things. Apparently people like earrings, something I'd not actually thought too much about. Neck jewelry (necklaces, collars, chokers) and arm jewelry (cuffs, bracelets, watch bands) were more what I was thinking. But earrings are small and fast and it sounds like they will sell well.

I want to position my work as wearable art and market it that way. There's a huge glut of ren faire geeks (I count myself one of them) selling to other ren faire geeks (who don't have much money; I know because I'm one of them). I want to sell this stuff to people who haven't necessarily seen it before, and many of these people are seriously confused when I say chainmail— they think of letters that promise curses if they aren't repropagated. I've got some marketing ideas for the local community, but I've no idea if they will work out at all well. Hmm. Maybe I should make chainmail chain mail...

I can also make sculptural items out of chainmail. My first attempt at a basket was not a success, but I've since found more info about how to do them properly.

Do you make jewelry, or clothing of unusual materials? Want to talk about it?
18:18 / 06.12.06
I crochet clothing, but I use craft wire instead. It takes forever but is very pretty. It looks like wearing silver cobwebs. If I ever manage to finish a whole piece, then I will indeed be selling them.
18:33 / 06.12.06
Awesome, Princess! I think I've seen this, at least in a photo; I'd love to have a closer look and see how it feels to touch. I've forgotten how to crochet I think. Last time I tried I could only crochet in circles. I wonder how it would work with knitting...
19:06 / 06.12.06
I've seen it done in knitting. It is amazingly beautiful and very much worth the effort. I'd write more but I'm being thrown out of the computer room as I type. Will post details later.
19:37 / 06.12.06
I'll hunt what I have out and take some photographs. I've also got some samples from an amazing jeweller I know, all she does is knit wire. She uses a knitting machine; I've just got one from Freecycle to try out.

Is this thread just for chainmail or general jewellery shoptalk? Because if it's about general stuff I have a lot to say about Cloisonne and Plique du Jour, principally because that's what I have been learning for the last few months. Also very happy to answer any technical questions here for people who may be stuck with various things. Good thread Id!
20:19 / 06.12.06
I had to go look up Plique du Jour, and wow. Sure, let's talk about all kinds of jewelry. And weird clothing of unusual materials. Maybe I should have called this the wearable art thread. Who knows, maybe we will end up cross-pollinating with techniques.
06:07 / 19.12.06
Supplies came in on Thursday. I've made a pair of earrings, a ring, and what will either stay a bracelet or turn into a necklace. Photos forthcoming.
20:05 / 19.12.06

What I've been working on lately.

This was going to be a shirt, years ago, but I only worked on a patch and then put it away. I might make it a wide cuff, as seen here. The color of the small purple rings will show up better if I wash it with soap and water to get the oils off.

I could continue this into a necklace, but I've spent about four or five hours on it already, and I don't want to make it too expensive. Thoughts? Assuming you were in the market for a piece of handmade jewelry like this, would you rather spend 80 USD for a necklace, or 40 USD for a bracelet?
(Note: That's stainless steel and bronze, not silver and gold.)
07:17 / 21.12.06
They're very beautiful Id. Is the bracelet box chain?

Can you not make them in silver? Then the time that you put in to make a necklace would be worthwhile because they'd be really saleable. I've never tried selling jewellery in non-precious metals, but I've been told by people who have that it is hard work and that people seem not to want to pay for time alone. That could just be here in the UK though. I have no idea what Americans would do. But my advice would be to get some silver wire and make things up in that, just to see. They're such lovely things I think it would be worth it.

I haven't forgotten about the photos, I am just so busy in the run-up to Christmas getting everything out on time.
17:38 / 22.12.06
I appreciate the feedback about materials. My source for the rings isn't cheap in silver and gold, and right now I think I need to stick to nonprecious except for special orders. I can't afford to keep tons (read: ounces) of precious metal around; people keep breaking into my house and stealing my housemates' laptops for crissakes.

Besides, I'd kind of like to fight the idea that "precious" metal is the only thing worth wearing. Unless you've got an allergy, why not wear stainless steel and bronze? It's gorgeous, and the patina the bronze gets over time is beautiful and earthy— or if you don't like it, it comes off with very little effort. I'll soon order some rings in anodized titanium recycled from the airline industry. When that's both available and beautiful, why support the gold trade and its exploitative and environmentally destructive practices?

Or maybe that's just an excuse because I can't afford to stock gold and silver yet, and I'll abandon all my high-sounding principles as soon as I have the chance. It'll make good copy for the website.

The bracelet is a box chain variant. It's triangular in the cross section, with two different ring sizes. I'm not sure if that weave has a name. If it were flat, it would be called snakeskin. Anyone know what it's called as a chain?

I've been working with neoprene rings recently, and I just made a nice-looking pride wrist-cuff that I gave to a friend that's continuous and stretches over the hand. Pics of that one fairly soon as well. I know of a source for glow in the dark and clear o-rings from the body jewelry biz, and I may get some of those and make a few things for club kiddeez. From what I hear from other maillers, tasteless and fast sells well at fairs and such and subsidizes the beautiful art pieces that you might sell one of a year.
20:53 / 28.01.07
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