Not sure if anyone has done this before on the internet (apart from that snakes on planes film that used blogs as it's basis) but wouldn't it be great to make up a story and maybe even get it produced as a book where by the whole thing is the product of a colaboration of online people...?
Would it be good or would it be rubbish..? Not sure but I bet the writing of it would be fun...
Here's a start... I'd love to know what happens to Jake next and where he "really" is... 
If anyone wants to, have a go... What happens next...?
Jake sped down the tunnel at full pelt, hit a wall and fell to the floor Still trying to control his panting so as his location would remain undescovered...!
Looking back and trying to keep still, he waited, expecting the end...
Nothing happened..
more waiting...?
Nothing happened..
Suddenly seeing as how this might not be his end, he felt around the three walls that surounded him for an escape route.
There was a small opening in the lower left hand wall but too small for him to get through "he thought" and a window above that gave off a familiar orange glow...
"A massive scream..."
The window above was made of thick glass and although a street light may have caused that luminious orange light effect the lack of any above ground activity questioned that, and also where it lead, and in any case, it was impassible without some kind of tool. The glass was simply too tick and there was no latch.
A quick pocket fumbling yelded nothing of use...
Jake looks at his two unusable escape routes again and then stares into the darkness of the tunnel he seemingly escaped from in such hast.
"Patetic wimper" in the distance...
"How did I get here" he thinks, "What the fuck is going on...?" he says out loud!
Still fueld by a confused but seemingly correct need to get away he begings grabbing at the rubble around the small discovered tunnel but is soon offended by a rusty grill which proves more than just for show. A few tugs and yet another "scream in the distance" mean a better plan is surely nesseasary here... There was no way his 14 stone bulk could get through there anyway...
Eventually he stands, and walks forwards into the darkness, back the way he came... Into the pitch blackness of the tunnel...
As soon as he takes to his feet the distant hellish sounds IMMEDIATLY stop...
Now there is no sound at all, it all just stopped dead right then.
All that can be heard now is the clump of Jakes socks slaping against the sodden floor as he slowly makes his way up the murkey tunnel he can harldy remember running down in the first place, just moments ago...
As he moves away from the glow created by whatever light was being shon through the thick glass behind him, twisted shadows play games with his mind on the walls either side of him but there is only one way out of this place...
There is certainly no escape behind him...
Please post what happens next...? |