Google fails me when I try to glean this thing, but I'm sure in one of his Newsarama int'v'ws he mentioned the opening premise was Peter waking up in this parallel world where MJ and May are dead - hum, it's kind-of (very) Animal Man, now that I think of it. I still think G-Moz works best with ensemble casts, and that last Batman was really quite weak, but - you know - he's done, or is doing, all the other major label icons. And I want to see it.
I wish they'd done that Silver Surfer: Year Zero thing too, him and Quitely, if only because Quitely's art looks a lot like Moebius and he did that thing with the Surfer that time.
Also - a massive hell yeah for the Fool's suggestion, the GLC - I've never actually read an issue of Green Lantern apart from that one in the Death of Superman trade but the concept was one I was totally praying (especially after that Phoenix corp sendoff in New X) that he'd take up when he moved to DC, big bang space opera. Corps'd be best because Hal Jordan sucks ass and: ensemble, big-bang, space opera drama. Green Lantern is, I think, the precipice for superhero fandom - people who know a little about comics quite likely will recognise, say, the Flash or Daredevil but not GL(s). It's the jump-off, one of the most appalling vocal fanbases, the most laughable concepts... fascinating, in other words, and I would still like that done, yeah. Meantime, I have those tiny Moore stories with Abin Sur (total love that one) and Mogo, F-sharp bell, to keep me warm. |