Mick now makes zines - or, at least, has been giving them a lot of thought.
I have settled on this: "sore sites" will be a meditation on forgotten history, unloved art and obnoxious figures of due repute. The concept I have in mind is that I might produce the sort of mongrel paper which a character in an M.R. James story would read when no-one was looking: academia with attitude. I'm thinking freemasonry, radicalism, buried histories, obscuro cinema, etc etc. Articles on Madam Blatavsky side by with appraisals of the Bonzo Dog band back catalogue, followed by studies upon modern radical geography. Sort of like the Chap, if it took itself a little more seriously.
2 big questions, therefore:-
-where do I start? Can anyone recommend any (preferably free) software I might use? How about printing and distribution - any advice/contacts?
-Who wants in? |