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Evil Scientist
14:03 / 31.10.07
Second season started then?
22:28 / 31.10.07
Yep. Five episodes down.
lille christina
12:44 / 05.11.07
At first I found her (Laila) to be irritating, too, but then again I often find new characters to be irritating. But after some two or three episodes I find she plays her part good and she seems to be very important for the the forming of Dexter as a human being and as a monster at the same time.


I really liked the part when Laila told Dexter about the murder she commited, and for a little while I thought he might tell her about a murder he commited..."Quit Pro Quo, Clarice."... But I guess that would have been kind of silly at that point in their weird non-sexual relationship.

*****************SPOILER END***********************

So far the second season has left me sitting on my sofa going "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!"

Can't wait to see the next episode tonight. Oh my God!
19:30 / 06.11.07
mild spoilers to follow...

I just watched episode six. And I agree, Layla has become much more likeable. At first, she seemed to be so artificial and forced, but now the chemistry between her and Dexter is working. Also, he hasn´t anything in common with Rita anyway. Their relationship started, because he needed a beard and with her lack of interest in sex, she was perfect. So the switch from Rita to Layla makes a lot of sense.

And I am looking forward to Doakes and Agent Lundy giving Dexter a hard time. This season is still not as good as the first, but that is a bit unfair, since the first season was so far beyond what a tv series usually delivers, it must be hard to keep up with that kind of quality.
10:23 / 11.11.07
There will be a third season!

There´s also some other interesting tidbits, the article is about the "Evening with Dexter" event, where journalists met the actors.
10:20 / 20.11.07
And I am looking forward to Doakes and Agent Lundy giving Dexter a hard time. This season is still not as good as the first, but that is a bit unfair, since the first season was so far beyond what a tv series usually delivers, it must be hard to keep up with that kind of quality.

Well, looks like you'll be getting what you want. The net is definitely tightening, and I'm looking forward to seeing how everything that's been happening pans out. Perhaps this season hasn't been as good as the first, but I am totally psyched after the last episode.
12:49 / 20.11.07
I saw three previews for the next episode this afternoon, and it looks so promising! And we still have four episodes to look forward to. I just read the one-sentence-synopsis of this season´s last episode. There is no way I can figure out what will happen, and this unpredictableness is just one of the reasons to watch this show.

At least I received the 2nd novel yesterday to tide me over!
09:55 / 22.11.07
So then, is Doakes gonna end up a patsy? I'm thinking yep.

I have been keen on a Dexter Doakes team up of sorts. Lots of dramatic potential there, and far from completely implausible. I suppose that's another way out of this season's maze.
20:45 / 22.11.07
Everything points to Doakes: killing people without remorse, stalking and attacking a colleague, the blood samples, "my father the butcher", his black op past.

But I believe it´s a red herring and Vince Masuka will be framed. Doakes is too good to lose, Masuka is only comic relief. And there was a strange hinting quick cut to Masuka last episode. And he´s also a loner, has the knowhow and access to the blood and police computer stuff and in the novels Dexter sees a lot of parallels between Masuka and him, and so might Agent Lundry.
08:06 / 23.11.07
And Lundy doesn't like Masuka... Very interesting, there's definitely a subplot lurking in the background there that could be dug up and foregrounded.

Maybe I'll get to see my Dexter Doakes team-up afterall. Those two have more in common than they think.
Lurid Archive
11:18 / 23.11.07
Doakes is too good to lose, Masuka is only comic relief.

Really? I would come to the opposite conclusion. Doakes would be easy to replace by an equivalent, whereas there is something uniquely icky about Masuka that I wouldn't want to give up. Don't get me wrong, the tension between Dexter and Doakes is great, but I think that at some point you want to resolve that tension and move on to the next obstacle. (God, lets not have another X-files.) Masuka, on the other, is great as a background presence that makes an interesting example of "normality" for Dexter and the audience to reflect on. Dexter is a monster and Masuka is an average guy, after all, but really Dexter is by far the more sympathetic even though Masuka is an amusing grotesque; the whole show is about that kind of moral ambivalence.
16:05 / 06.12.07
Those who know where to look might discover the last two episodes of the second season. I just finished watching the penultimate episode, and this series still is far above and beyond every other contender.
16:35 / 06.12.07
(Except for The Wire, and a number of shows now sadly deceased)

Prediction: Lyla for the frame.
17:51 / 06.12.07
Except for The Wire, and a number of shows now sadly deceased)

Yes, The Wire might be as good as Dexter, but hasn´t been around for a year. Supposedly, the last season will start in a month. I should have written "current".

Prediction: Lyla for the frame.

I won´t tell but there is believable and satisfying closure for every dangling plot and character.
19:21 / 06.12.07
Gonna watch it tonight!
Ava Banana
08:48 / 07.12.07
Me too, me too! I am beside myself with excitement. Damn the other Banana for having to go and earn money or I could be watching them right now.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:13 / 07.12.07
Oh man that was intense.
Ava Banana
18:27 / 07.12.07
I have no fingernails left. I'm now in mourning that it's over and I'll have to wait for what will seem like an eternity to be this excited again, yet so happy they're doing a season 3!
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
18:46 / 07.12.07
Bloody hell. It was a real battle during that last episode not to peek on here to look for spoilers. At some point around the thirty five minute mark, it just seemed intolerable that I was going to have to wait a whole quarter of an hour to get to the end of the story. Anyway I kinda want to get into it a bit with specifics, so if you've seen the whole series yet click away for the rest of this post.

[+] [-] Spoiler
lille christina
13:21 / 10.12.07
So this is it then. The last two episodes were incredible.
What I like about Dexter is that the show is perfectly good written - you never know what you get untill it's too late, but it's always satisfying.

Looking forward to the 3. season of Dexter. I'll get my money on thursday, so I can buy the 3.'s always nice to have an easy read and a bit of morbid excitement during the holidays.
17:01 / 10.12.07
Please give a thumb up or down, when you finished the third book, Christina. I´ve read the first two novels, but didn´t buy the third, because of very unfavourable word of mouth.
lille christina
17:20 / 10.12.07
Yeth, will do.
lille christina
18:18 / 10.01.08
Mistoffelees, -> this is how much "Dexter in the Dark" I've been reading during the holidays. I thought the books forum was more suited for it.

PS. I watched the first season over again and must say: Still really good... there was a Dexter marathon at some swedish TV channel.
20:57 / 07.09.08
People, Dexter came early just like last year, if you catch my drift.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:04 / 09.09.08
Nice catch Mist, ta!
08:32 / 19.08.09
The first episode of Season 4 is up on Showtime's site.

Click Menu, then Newest, then E01

02:14 / 20.08.09
I'm not finding it.

edit: it's definitely up on the torrents, though.
02:23 / 20.08.09
(it's definitely on the torrents, however... gotta love showtime's leakiness)

[non-existant-mods: ignore that edit request]
19:05 / 20.08.09
Oh I agreed to that. (Why am I here?)

Um.. it's up on, however, if you'd rather stream.
19:16 / 20.08.09
Seen it. Well, it's a solid episode, even if it is a slow start. With all the couples it feels like a soap opera now. I am surprised Dexter's wife let him keep his appartment. And I really can't stand his sister. All the cussing is getting old. I hope Mazuka will get more chances to shine and won't just be there for the puns.

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