you don't see adverts saying 'check your chums haven't been on any murdering sprees lately'
sure, but how many "mind you dont get murdered" adverts have you seen? you do however see "reduce your risk of rape" ads. i'm after a balance.
explicit blaming of the perpetrator without any caveat regarding the victim's behaviour would be nice, and a campaign that sought to make it harder for a rapist to hide in the general population would be great.
why not a poster with some advice on how to spot the possibility? i've certainly seen a "top ten ways to be safer", how about a "top ten signs your mate may be up to no good"?
The assumption is that people will either report crimes of this level if they find out about them, or that if they won't, an advert isn't going to change their mind.
that is certainly an interesting way of looking at it. where did you hear that? is that an assumption made by the police?
at the moment [advertisments] are mostly directed at things which *some* see as borderline permissable: driving while 'tipsy', breach of copyright etc.
these are also crimes that occcur more often than murder, and in the case of drunk driving, cost more lives.
the copyright adverts are, i think you will find, largely sponsored by the organisations and companies with something to lose through unchecked piracy.
30 seconds or a poster probably isn't enough time to impart a life changing moral message.
i'm not so sure.
did you see any of the recent minicab warning adverts from the met and the office of the mayor of london? |