Here's some songs, for your ears to test:
The Calling
Dumb Enough
The Sentinel
The Hard Road
Clown Prince
What a Great Night
Circuit Breaker
Right. These guys are from Adelaide, which is far away from me, and not somewhere I'm inclined to go, so I only heard them with The Calling , having missed their more underground days, though you can pretty clearly hear their rhyme battle past in their current lyrics. The Calling was a goddamn phenomenal album, I think the first Aus hip-hop album to go platinum.
The Hard Road is better. I don't exactly know what about it is better, I can't pick it apart. I guess it's the production, but it might also be the delivery, and the subject matter. The Hilltops are never going to be as socially conscious as The Herd (on which topic I'll maybe make a thread later - their latest album, The Sun Never Sets, is tremendous, but didn't get much sales, as far as I can see), but there's a lot more commentary on life today in the Hard Road, and it shows a bit more political awareness. But political awareness is boring! The production is, I guess, punchier? Yeah. That sounds about right. The album as a whole just hits harder. Right in the middle of your brain. Man, I'm the worst talking-about-music person ever (you should see me code about design, though!), I'm sorry I'm not being more clear and concise.
The album as a whole has a narrative flow which the last album doesn't have. Song subject segues into the next song, or the next song references the last song, in a very satisfactory way. There's intercut bits of people telling Pressure and Suffa (the MCs, who should have been introduced earlier, but weren't, due to authorship limitations) to get their act together and make a goddamn album, already, which for some reason makes the album itself much better. Possibly because they've got material from when the album was already late in the album itself, and I can relate to last minute/past deadline work.
I'm going to let you listen to these tracks, and get back to me, ok? I'd like you to do that.
Incidentally, the Hilltops were responsible for the most pumped and excited crowd I've ever been a part of, at the Big Day Out a couple years ago. They were in a small oval-ish barn, while some giant international star played in a stadium nearby, and there was about twice as many people in there as was allowed, and as actually fit. People were crowding around the doors and side exits, about 5 metres deep, to try and catch a glimpse of the stage. All of us, jumping and pumping fists in the air at the same time. The day was hot as hell, everyone was soaked in sweat and it was just fucking amazing. No-one cared about the shit conditions, it was just music and nothing but in anyone's mind. Their crowd control is incredible. Unfortunately they don't get up here very often, and I've only seen them live once, but they're still at the top of my live list. If they're anywhere near you, ever, go see them. |