I know it's not strictly in the documentary tradition, but perhaps you could invent a troll for the purposes of the movie? He (or she, but realistically he,) could be based on some of the more illustrious figures in the troll back catalogue, (though not so closely as to cause legal problems, obviously,) so he wouldn't be entirely fictional, and then interviewed in silhouette in a comic-strewn bedsit, and so on. People could be filmed at their computers responding to his posts (the temperature rising in Haus' brain jar, various others responding to Barbelith when they ought to be working etc,) and the banning process covered from beginning to end. This kind of thing seems to turn out best when there's a narrative structure to follow, and in that respect, the troll's Barbelith life cycle would work pretty well, I think. You could begin with an interview with Tom Coates, discuss the board's history, objectives and such, and then lead into the story with something like 'Occasionally though, there are problems ...' Ok, this approach might arguably be focusing a bit heavily on the negative, but on the other hand, it would be amusing. |