Mulled wine and mince pies in a vat sounds disgusting. All the soggy pastry would lead to a not-so-favourable quaff, in my book. But whatever floats your (christmas) boat, i guess.
That said, this is a sweet little mix.
One request: Please could stoatie, or anyone who has the knowledge, tell us who the tracks are by? Some tracks have artist names, but some are missing.
Also: OH NO! The Amiina track isn't meant to sound like that! That's what you get for trying to be clever and sending .flac files...
So, if you want to hear the original (and i must say, i quite enjoyed the 'reworked' version on the mix), it's here as an mp3 or, if you wanna be really, really cool* you can get it in nice, lossless, open source flac format here.
Not that i have any idea who chose the Amiina track. No idea at all.
Who chose Amiina? I love that track.
*Just like me! I'm cool! |