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Barbelith Film Project 2

solid~liquid onwards
12:48 / 02.11.06
Barbelith film project 2- this time its for real!

Remember how the "hey kids lets make a movie" became the barbelith film project, that didnt become a film?

Im proposing a new barbelith film project, starting from from scratch. How will it work? by having realistic goals, having a driving force and a budget.

How it could work. plan on two levels that are interlinked. Level one is finding out what we have available to us e.g. someone has a flat in birmingham where we could stay for a few days shooting or someone has a pet elephant available to us then these options can be incorporated into level two. Level two is the creative aspect, coming up with concepts, charaters, plots etc, but for the project to be realistic level two must work around what is available to us, while influencing level one e.g, a replica weapon is required for the plot, has anyone got one? if so, cool, if not then we make one available to us.

This should take us to level three, where we have a script, locations, logistics and props. All we need now is some actors and time. Then we shoot, edit and release.

I will take charge and responsibility of producing and directing and in the pre production stages i will take the role of a benign dictator, esentially making the last call. But I want level one and two to be a creative community project.

I would like the film to be released, for free, on the internet and to spend 2-4 weeks shooting in the summer.

Oh yes, budget. If people are willing to make this work, I have £1000 (about $1500 US) to make this happen. This is money i've saved for making my first solo film, but my memory harked back to the potential of the barbelith film project. Lets make it work.

i work away from home so i can only really contribute to this 2 days a week untill january, when i leave my job to do videography full time (currently part time).

To get the ball rolling, here is what i can make available to the proposed production.

Broadcast quality camera (panasonic ag-dvx100ae) with many accessories, tripod, external mike, wind jammer, waterproof cover and enough batteries to shoot for 10 hours without charging
Edit suite (new pc running adobe production suite that i havent had time to learn yet, and a mac running final cup pro 3)
Lights and reflectors
accomadation in dundee and the highlands.
transportation in the form of my honda civic

Why not take influence from the barbelith board itself, creating a story incorporating philosophy, politics, psychology, magic, science, music, tv/film and games, art, fashion and design.

So,whos up for this? lets have your thoughts.
15:18 / 02.11.06
I could help creatively (like most people on this board) but am flat broke, not in the UK, and because of brokeness working a few extra jobs, and thus unable to dedicate much time to necessary planning. Although I suppose I could do some AD work (script breakdowns or something) at the end of pre-production.
15:49 / 02.11.06
I'm definitely up for helping out. The DVX is a fantastic camera, so we could definitely get a professional quality look going. The major issue, as before, is where to film. I'm based out of New York, so if we're shooting there, I'm ready to help out on set. I guess we should see where the most interested people are, then work around that.

If we've got two major camps, we could always do a story that has two seperate segments, one in the UK, one in the US. But, if it's just in the UK, I'll be glad to give any script input I can.
electric monk
16:26 / 02.11.06
Why not take influence from the barbelith board itself...

This might be totally out there, as it seems you're looking at creating a work of fiction, but... Have you considered making a documentary about Barbelith? It's an uber-project that's been rolling around my brane for a while now, but I have not the means to make it a reality. Thought I'd suggest it here, but if it doesn't appeal, I totally understand.

Quickly, here's some general thoughts I had on this:

Title - "A New Kind of Community"

We'd need to shoot a loooong interview with Tom and smallish interviews with whichever 'lithers were willing and able. It may be possible to have teams around the world shoot the interviews. This brings with it a concern about quality of footage, so there should probably be some specifications set out for filming so that most of the footage has the same feel. The mini-interviews could pretty much follow a list of questions we all decide would be interesting, and the interviewees should feel free to rattle on as they liked about the board and cover subject areas that the initial round of questions didn't cover.

Tom's interview could be used as a framing device for the rest of the interviews. At least one Barbemeet should be filmed, if possible.

And Haus only appears in voiceover. We'll get a brain in a jar to stand in for hir on film.

Just my 2¢. Use or discard as ya like.
17:38 / 02.11.06
I can certainly help. I'm interested in film-making and worked on several low and not so low budget things in the Art Direction department, and I once costumed a cast of 30 on a budget of £50 by negotiating hire contracts with charity shops.

I think you'll probably find that you have two camps either side of the Atlantic, but it could really really work in favour of the project if we write that idea into the film.
18:13 / 02.11.06
I think this is a very, very good idea.

All I can offer, however, is myself (plus a tiny, panasonic mini-dv camera) and my willingness to travel (given a little notice).

The idea of at least two camps working on different aspects of one project appeals, too!
18:56 / 02.11.06
I really like Monk's idea. also is there a way to use people's webcam or other devices to harvest video? Or does it need to all be film?
19:08 / 02.11.06
I'm in college now, and consequently far busier than I was when I was so enthusiastic and gung-ho the first time around.
that said, I'd still like to help out - if this could happen it would be fantastic.
I'd be willing to do design work (title sequence, logo, posters, dvd cover, website, etc.) and possibly editing (although I can't guarentee how much effort I'd be able to put into that - it's pretty time consuming and would depend on my own personal projects). I don't think I'll be trying my hand at writing again, seeing as how last time I spent so much time on it only to see it all fall apart halfway through.
also, I am a film major, so if anyone needs any technical advice or anything like that, feel free to ask
solid~liquid onwards
22:26 / 02.11.06

melvin monk, quite an inspired idea. If people are willing, i'd happily help such a project on the UK/Scotland front.

Most people will have some device that records video, from phones to webcams to digi cameras to video cameras. Just get people to speak a little about themselves and their connection to barbelith. a sort of community montage.

perhaps blending the different video standards and qualities will better represent barbelith than a uniform quality.

But i have it set in my head that schizophrenic fiction is what i want to do. Something about everything.
solid~liquid onwards
22:35 / 02.11.06
And one improtant point before bed.

It can inspire, educate, inform, stimulate, whatever.

it must entertain
electric monk
11:59 / 03.11.06
Shucks. Thanks, xk and solid-liquid!

Just get people to speak a little about themselves and their connection to barbelith. a sort of community montage.

perhaps blending the different video standards and qualities will better represent barbelith than a uniform quality

You read my mind.


I forgot to mention before, but I'll make myself available for any graphics/promo stuff ya need. Excited to see where this goes, and loving the sound of "schizophrenic fiction".
Grey Cell
12:32 / 03.11.06
I'm willing to contribute some, if this actually gets off the ground.

Regarding the more mundane stuff like resources et al., I'm currently freelancing as a graphic/web designer so I can help out with that. I also have some basic knowledge of video editing (now learning Final Cut Studio when I find the time).

I'm based outside of the UK and US, but don't mind hopping over to London if necessary (and if funds allow).
solid~liquid onwards
21:39 / 05.11.06
Just started 2 weeks holiday from work. Im not free yet, mind. Ive got to edit a wedding video and a promo video for my local radio station and prepare for an interview for an internship with a glasgow based production company over the next few days.

Then i shall try to grab this by the balls, coalesce my thoughts thus far and present them for dissection.

Grey Cell: I want whatever this becomes to be available for free download on the internet. Also when enough "evidence" of project reality is gathered (pics/vid of possible locations special effects test, costumes, props, actors etc) then it can be used as content for a site to promote production and gather support and potential viewers.

Melvin monk: What steps would we have to take to make the concept into a reality.? Proposal\/

1) Get Tom onboard. And interview him

2) Spread the word and get people to ramble about
themselves in relation to barbelith. or perhaps just about themselves. or mabye anything they want to talk about.

3) This should be 1), i think. Consider wether the concept should become reality. Who would it be available to. Just 'lithers? free to share? youtube? what the potential implications are etc.

Personally i'd just like to see if it can happen and what would happen if it happened.
22:02 / 05.11.06
I'm interested in giving it another shot to whatever capacity I can. Barbelith documentary sounds like a great idea for an acheivable community project which seems to circumvent the main sticking points we had last time round.

On the fiction front, solid, If you're heading down Glasgow way soonish then I'd love to meet up for a chinwag. I've got story and ideas but I'm currently lacking serious input in getting it made. It's been back-burnered for a bit, but I've been getting back in swing of late. Give us a PM if you're interested.

I also know a few talented unprofessionals around about that are just waiting for an opportunity to get up and on it....
solid~liquid onwards
11:25 / 06.11.06
Iamus, i'll be in galsgow on friday for my interview, ive PM'ed ye about it.

Look forward to a discussing filmy stuff with you.
11:43 / 06.11.06
And I've PM'd you.

It'll be good to meet you.
Grey Cell
13:00 / 06.11.06
"I want whatever this becomes to be available for free download on the internet. Also when enough "evidence" of project reality is gathered (pics/vid of possible locations special effects test, costumes, props, actors etc) then it can be used as content for a site to promote production and gather support and potential viewers."

I'd recommend using a wiki, or something like drupal*... that could handle both the public frontside and help getting (and keeping) internal affairs organized. I've been running the wiki of a local bimonthly alternative magazine/newspaper for a few years now, and the editors love it (the majority of them are hardcore technophobe anarchists, so that's saying something).

Any hosting recommendations or offers would be welcome (PHP/MySQL is a must, btw). I'm currently looking for a good host for my own upcoming site (and a few others) so it's no trouble to check out prices etc., but maybe someone on Barbelith has a better alternative...

*) Which I personally will be learning anyway, because I'm also going to use it for a local social center's new online infoshop. Might as well stick to it I guess.
solid~liquid onwards
13:24 / 06.11.06
I like the whole wiki idea. i assume you should be able to host video on them
17:35 / 06.11.06
I think Monk's idea is really interesting.

A couple of years ago !MARRIAGE! and Fraely were considering a similar project but in a more Dave Gormanesque vein. The working title was Runce and Fraely meet Barbelith and would've involved the intrepid two journeying around the world in search of the 'Lith's biggest characters and conducting informal, quirky interviews.
The thing is I'm not sure Tom would've been entirely happy with the idea as they were thinking about (not set on) trying to hook up with some of the forum's better known trolls. Looking back, while I can understand the motivation, I'm not sure that was such a good plan.
electric monk
18:52 / 06.11.06
Thread to come on the Barbelith documentary, peoples. Soonish.
solid~liquid onwards
10:57 / 11.11.06
Myself and iamus met up in glasgow last night to discuss the project and a script iamus has been working on for a few years on and off.

I very much liked iamus's insane psycho spiritual story. he is going to be preparing a synopsis for discusion while he works on finishing his script.

Very promising and of an acheivable scale.
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