Barbelith film project 2- this time its for real!
Remember how the "hey kids lets make a movie" became the barbelith film project, that didnt become a film?
Im proposing a new barbelith film project, starting from from scratch. How will it work? by having realistic goals, having a driving force and a budget.
How it could work. plan on two levels that are interlinked. Level one is finding out what we have available to us e.g. someone has a flat in birmingham where we could stay for a few days shooting or someone has a pet elephant available to us then these options can be incorporated into level two. Level two is the creative aspect, coming up with concepts, charaters, plots etc, but for the project to be realistic level two must work around what is available to us, while influencing level one e.g, a replica weapon is required for the plot, has anyone got one? if so, cool, if not then we make one available to us.
This should take us to level three, where we have a script, locations, logistics and props. All we need now is some actors and time. Then we shoot, edit and release.
I will take charge and responsibility of producing and directing and in the pre production stages i will take the role of a benign dictator, esentially making the last call. But I want level one and two to be a creative community project.
I would like the film to be released, for free, on the internet and to spend 2-4 weeks shooting in the summer.
Oh yes, budget. If people are willing to make this work, I have £1000 (about $1500 US) to make this happen. This is money i've saved for making my first solo film, but my memory harked back to the potential of the barbelith film project. Lets make it work.
i work away from home so i can only really contribute to this 2 days a week untill january, when i leave my job to do videography full time (currently part time).
To get the ball rolling, here is what i can make available to the proposed production.
Broadcast quality camera (panasonic ag-dvx100ae) with many accessories, tripod, external mike, wind jammer, waterproof cover and enough batteries to shoot for 10 hours without charging
Edit suite (new pc running adobe production suite that i havent had time to learn yet, and a mac running final cup pro 3)
Lights and reflectors
accomadation in dundee and the highlands.
transportation in the form of my honda civic
Why not take influence from the barbelith board itself, creating a story incorporating philosophy, politics, psychology, magic, science, music, tv/film and games, art, fashion and design.
So,whos up for this? lets have your thoughts. |