Hi all,
I hope nobody minds me using Barbelith to advance a good cause. Apparently, hundreds of feral ferrets have arrived in the sleepy village of Bartleshire. They're not entirely sure how they got there, but they are awfully hungry and if you're not eating that it would be much appreciated thank you very much yum yum got any ferret complete.
They are also a tiny bit chilly. At the moment, the problem is being resolved by volunteers, who are fortunately in good supply, giving them lovely warm hugs and putting them to bed. However, an appeal is going out for jumpers, for the ferrets to use as nests.
"Obviously, we need a sustainable solution. A jumper may provide layers of snuggly warmth for a pink-nosed ferret to peer sleepily out of, our even two entwined ferrets, both called Gerald," said a spokesman. "However, in the longer time we hope to start knitting tiny jumpers for the ferrets to wear. Where necessary, until they can be clothed. Emergency ferret teams are currently out and about, kept warm in socks with the toes cut out, but this is a temporary solution. Oh. I'm sleepy."
The spokesman, pictured earlier today:

Please help, Barbelith. I know you'll do whatever it takes to warm the ferrets. |