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Possibly intresting writing competition

The Puck
00:39 / 27.10.06
Don't ask how I landed there but read this;

i did'nt even know that dragons had vents NSFW

Note how the name is very similer to this guys name

"are you a dragon? I am"

After reading this with a couple of my housemates, one of them said
"I bet I could write one of them" my reaction was almost immediately
"No fucking way, that guy has some serious issues" but still she maintains that it is possible to write something as fucked as that. So gentle viewer,the challange has been set, impress me with deviancy.

I want the best dragon/gay/otherkin stories, the most disturbing wins a prize. A real one. remeber you will be marked higher if it sounds as if it was written by a sexually disfunctional uber nerd who has probley never seen a girl, let alone fucked a dragon.

send us a message or post here, up to you

ok guys the links appear to be broken you going to have to copy and paste like old-school e-primatives

first -
and the next -

its worth it

add- i just finished mine and your going to have step up the weird if you want to compete
06:43 / 27.10.06
those link-y thing don't work at all (at least in my browser). anyway, i've gotta assume this is some sort of late-to-the-game molotar making-fun-of. i'm currently too drunk to post, so: Dear housemates, you're hella fucking wrong. seriously. i'm so not lying.
13:24 / 28.10.06
Puck darling, those people really believe they are dragons stuck in a human body, they're not just writing about their experiences for the sport of it and to amuse you!

Oh dear, it is funny though.

What do you want these stories for? Have you read the Otherkin thread over in Temple? You should. Has this got something to do with a serious project? (I have heard Brumalith rumours that it does.)
13:25 / 28.10.06
Here is the Otherkin thread.
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