I saw this real Elder God-looking bastard squid on a documentary once- it was a Devil Fish from the Gulf of Mexico, bright red and bigger than a man, and it has a trick of flattening out its tentacles, arms, whatever, into a manta ray shape and zooooooming around at high speed like Johnathan Livingston Squid! This diver with the documentary crew was paddling along and VOOOMP! this James Cameron badboy comes barrelling up like a crappy CGI, RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE, stops dead in the water, does this Transformers thing, from "guided missile" to "uncle creepy" and I swear to ghod, FRISKS THE DIVER, very efficiently, head to foot and back, before transforming and taking off again. Carry on, citizen.
Again, I remind you that we have no idea how intelligent these things are, and what kind of animal behaviur is "frisking", anyway?! |