
Mistofeles, I will answer you in English, as I believe it is more respectful to this predominantly English-speaking board.
First of all, I urge you to reconsider the Demonic influence suggested by your username. Please, consider that Christ loves you, and what an insult it is to His love when you turn to such thoughts. I won't belabor the point, however. Know that I am hear to offer what meager solace and advice I can, Should you ever feel the need.
My relationship to Rachel and Kitty, I think, is more avuncular than romantic. Really, I never entertained any salacious thoughts about either of them, just filial concern and devotion. So these kinds of questions are actually quite distasteful to me. As for Meggan and Brian, they are two of my dearest friends and I don't feel they would enjoy being talked about this way on a public website. |