Stargate's a guilty pleasure for me as well. At various points in its history it's been pretty smart and well-organised and I've liked (even fancied) a number of the characters, which is always helpful. And it genuinely has done the what-would-be-almost-unthinkable-ten-years-ago-except-for-Bab-5 , which is that it's continually referencing things that happened in previous episodes, there's never really been much of a reset button episode to episode and it builds, extends upon itself and keeps consistently plausible within its own frame of reference.
Having said that, it's also always had more than its fair share of schlocky and obvious sci-fi plots warmed over for the thousandth time, and its biggest problem now is that it's just not Battlestar Galactica, which frankly has made it feel ultimately hygenic, unconvincing and almost childish.
It's difficult for me to make much of a case as to why it's relevant now, even as I watch it episode by episode. SG-1 in particular has fallen off the plot-lorry into episodic quest-like teen novella territory. It's still entertaining. It's not terrible. It passes the time and if you go back and watch some of the earlier seasons there's actually some really fucking solid stuff in there. But I can't say with my hand on my heard that its ongoing life is anything more than robotic and zombie-like.
My hope is that they throw a bit more money and a bit more dirt and darkness (not so much, but a bit) over at Atlantis which weirdly feels like it's got a bit more going for it at the moment. |