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Crichton and Aeryn are both in a Stargate SG-1 episode

Regrettable Juvenilia
22:40 / 05.10.06
I mean, seriously.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:42 / 05.10.06
And while they're torturing me to death, they could laugh at my pain.

That would be less cruel than this.
Tryphena Absent
23:09 / 05.10.06
Did you just watch an episode of SG1?
Tryphena Absent
23:29 / 05.10.06
No, seriously, did you just watch an episode of SG1?
23:32 / 05.10.06
SG-1 is great. Where's the love?

Plus, Daniel Jackson is fit. He would get a sexy sexxing.

Big up SoGreat-1!
Regrettable Juvenilia
23:36 / 05.10.06
I watched some of one.

I was very bad.
Regrettable Juvenilia
23:37 / 05.10.06
Sorry, IT was very bad. I was good as gold.
00:08 / 06.10.06
Is this actually a thread?

Mind you, I thought SG-1 was pretty pants, too.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:46 / 06.10.06
You haven't seen the 200th episode have you Fly? It even has a Farscape parody in it.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:58 / 07.10.06
I have just been reading about that. It strikes me as a disturbing turn of events.

Okay, genuine use for this thread: Stargate SG-1 is now on Season 10, and has a spin-off of its own. As of season 10, the two lead actors from my favourite science fiction TV show ever are now regulars.

But back when I occasionally watch earlier seasons of Stargate, it was bilge. Just utter dreck, it made Voyager look good in comparison.

So could someone who's watched the show recently tell me: has it improved? And if so, in what way?
16:34 / 07.10.06
I would say that it has improved, but I'm not realy sure I can provide strict evidence for it. The addition of Ben Browder and Claudia Black did add a lot to the show, in an odd way, and the ideas did seem to get 'bigger'; but by that token, they were really just bigger versions of the same ideas. The planet-sized stargate fuelled by a black hole was impressive, but it just felt... Odd.

Stargate is such a guilty pleasure for me, though, that I don't think I'm qualified to criticise. I watch it when it's on because it gives my brain such a chance to completely unspool, but that doesn't make it great television, I'd be the first to say.
Tom Coates
16:56 / 07.10.06
Stargate's a guilty pleasure for me as well. At various points in its history it's been pretty smart and well-organised and I've liked (even fancied) a number of the characters, which is always helpful. And it genuinely has done the what-would-be-almost-unthinkable-ten-years-ago-except-for-Bab-5 , which is that it's continually referencing things that happened in previous episodes, there's never really been much of a reset button episode to episode and it builds, extends upon itself and keeps consistently plausible within its own frame of reference.

Having said that, it's also always had more than its fair share of schlocky and obvious sci-fi plots warmed over for the thousandth time, and its biggest problem now is that it's just not Battlestar Galactica, which frankly has made it feel ultimately hygenic, unconvincing and almost childish.

It's difficult for me to make much of a case as to why it's relevant now, even as I watch it episode by episode. SG-1 in particular has fallen off the plot-lorry into episodic quest-like teen novella territory. It's still entertaining. It's not terrible. It passes the time and if you go back and watch some of the earlier seasons there's actually some really fucking solid stuff in there. But I can't say with my hand on my heard that its ongoing life is anything more than robotic and zombie-like.

My hope is that they throw a bit more money and a bit more dirt and darkness (not so much, but a bit) over at Atlantis which weirdly feels like it's got a bit more going for it at the moment.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:19 / 07.10.06
Not to worry anymore. SG-1 has been cancelled.

I never understood the allure of it, to be honest. But I like reading your viewpoints.

Is it wrong to think that that guy from Atlantis is hot?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:31 / 07.10.06
Season Five was the highpoint, where the stories worked best. Since then, there have been a number of missteps, season eight in particular. Pretty much all of it. I don't actually mind it being cancelled, I just hope it gets finished on the current story arc by then.
20:52 / 07.10.06
I liked the end of season eight, simply for the "Almost Ascended Café". That and the season-closer.

However, the main problem for me is that it's on Sky One quite a lot, but that the episodes are so similar that I can't actually tell whether they're from the first seasons or later seasons. I looked at the box set for season eight today and realised that some episodes had been on t.v. recently and I'd assumed they were from the first season...

The allure is that it's easy television to watch. That's... it, really. I can't think of much else that goes for it in particular.
10:35 / 14.11.06
I liked to watch stargate, for a while. Now that am essentially televisionless I don't miss it, like many other things the tube presents to us.

I can remember really liking the story-arc spanning a season I believe where they got to meet different "elder" races who were trying to combine forces against the Goa-uld. Their acceptance of the all too human humans as a race of beings with a lot of potential gave me a bit of "we're not that bad"-vibe. Strange the power of television ey?

At first I found it strange to watch McGuyver hopping around the universe, having watched every episode at least twice as a kid. But I think james dean anderson plays a pretty good gruff soldier type here.

I like(d) series with a big story-arc in general, though the one episode/one adventure thing worked quite well for a while with stargate. They lost me for good with the very poorly executed self-spoofing episode, where they appeared as merely actors in a science fiction series. Though I guess after a while many shows tend to run out of good ideas, it was a shame that.

I sincerely applaud any attempt these days to create sci-fi or original series in general. There's too much junk already polluting the airways.
10:43 / 14.11.06
SG-1 got to ten seasons? There is no God of sci-fi.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:49 / 14.11.06
I sincerely applaud any attempt these days to create sci-fi or original series in general. There's too much junk already polluting the airways.

So can a sci-fi series never be junk?
Evil Scientist
14:10 / 14.11.06
So can a sci-fi series never be junk?

I guess it depends whether people consider Charmed to be sci-fi or not.
Mysterious Transfer Student
19:05 / 21.12.06
AS IF it weren't annoying enough that Crichton and Aeryn are both in this dreary show and forced to wear wretchedly unsexy fatigues all the time, this and next week's episodes on Sky One feature yet a further reason to oblige us to watch in the delicious form of guest star, Morena (Inara from Firefly/Serenity) Baccarin. Playing a haughty alien she-overlord with mucho cleavage, no less.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:41 / 22.12.06
Hah hah, I'm taping the things I know will cause you pain...
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