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The Great Thread of Denial and Procrastination


Page: 12(3)

Dead Megatron
16:08 / 07.10.06
Reading Wikipedia is the same as properly studying a subject.

Hey, two thirds of my final graduation paper is based on copying & pasting wikipedia. The remaining third I'm probably going to do in the night before deadline.

And planing the preemptive murder of people who annoy the crap out of you is the same as meditating AND going to therapy.
Char Aina
16:28 / 07.10.06
i'm not going to pretend.
i'm just fucking skiving.

i'd blame it on the smack, only i dont take it.
aluhks SMASH!
21:06 / 07.10.06
spending hours planning out subject matter and approaches to a new photo project is clearly the same thing as actually going out and shooting the damn pictures.

similarly, talking about how all the wonderful benefits of biking and/or tai chi is every bit as effective as taking a bike ride or practicing.

i could go on with these all day...
21:10 / 07.10.06
You know that thing I said about being on Barbelith being like getting enough sleep before work?

It would appear I was wrong. *yawn*
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
22:54 / 07.10.06
Really, going out and getting blind stinking drunk is the same as writing a paper about Descartes's Meditations and how it applies to the traditional analysis of knowledge re: evidential defeaters. I'll fight any man who says it ain't! Also it is the same as studying for art history.
Saint Keggers
01:19 / 08.10.06
I can vouch for that art history bit.
22:48 / 08.10.06
I got paid a fiver for doing something that took two minutes the other day.

Are we talking "magyck" again?
Mon Oncle Ignatius
11:02 / 09.10.06
Fiddling about with music software is precisely the same as making interesting tracks, because, y'know, you are actually making sounds and everything while you do so.
12:24 / 09.10.06
Ganesh, no! It was fixing a necklace.
19:54 / 09.10.06
Will someone please pull the plug on the fucking internet, so that someone, somewhere can actually get something done.

Talking about myself, obviously.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
22:55 / 09.10.06
The problem is, fart-arsing about with a bunch of Linux installs and BSD boxen is likely to cause the actual getting around to the plug being pulled on the 'net to be put off until someone has found out exactly why it is that the off control hasn't been installed with all the correct dependencies in the first place.

So it's going to take several months of sitting up late trying various new installs "because, um, yeah, that should probably do it. This time. And yeah, there's work on finish off on tweaking this Commodore 64 theme for the entire web first..."
William Sack
11:14 / 10.10.06

You have imminent deadlines and far too much work to do. It's obvious that the only way through this is to go and buy a selection of different 0.4 mm, 0.5 mm etc. fineline pens. 20 minutes spent doodling on the test pad at the shop is clearly a must as well.
14:12 / 10.10.06
Things I learned today-

lying in bed until the middle of the afternoon is NOT AT ALL like taking the dog for a walk. I really though it was, until Sheena explained it to me by shitting on the floor.
pointless & uncalled for
14:14 / 10.10.06
If there is one thing you can say about dogs it that they are remarkably concise about what constitutes going outside for a walk and what doesn't.
15:14 / 10.10.06
Sheena is a firm believer in anticrastination? May her actions inspire us to get things done.
15:52 / 10.10.06
For a shecond I thought you had a Connery-like lisp there Shtoat, and that your dog Seena explained it was time to walk, while sitting on the floor. If only it were true.
11:22 / 23.10.06
Talking on msn is the same as wordprocessing:

12:58 / 23.10.06
'Accidentally' falling asleep in the shower while already running late is the same as getting ready for class.

Also, posting on Barbelith about how one should be in class is the exact same as going to class.

Telling everyone you know that you plan to do NaNoWriMo this year is what everyone means by "get a plot together" and "write an outline" or even "figure out what the hell you want to write about in some vague sense," right?
13:04 / 23.10.06
Telling everyone you know that you plan to do NaNoWriMo this year is what everyone means by "get a plot together" and "write an outline" or even "figure out what the hell you want to write about in some vague sense," right?

Yes. It is.

Isn't it?
pointless & uncalled for
13:13 / 23.10.06
'Accidentally' falling asleep in the shower while already running late is the same as getting ready for class.

Working from the basic assuption that one should be standing whilst showering, how exactly was this achieved? Seriously, this is something that I could use at work.
Saturn's nod
12:49 / 29.05.07
There's a book chapter, it's half done and it wants to be finished before the beginning of June and I am looking at it, thinking: 'yeah, I could generate some graphs to illustrate that point - no wait, maybe I owe it to myself to wash the dishes first?' Several hours later I have done neither, nor any of the other dozen important work-y tasks of course, but have read much random internets.

It might be necessary to start timed 5 minute work intervals to get some progress - but first, coffee. Everyone needs a cup of coffee from time to time. I might even get some dishes washed whilst the kettle boils.
Sibelian 2.0
14:21 / 29.05.07
I've been putting off my Temple Journal submission. I've taken a day off tomorrow specifically to get it done. But I may end up doing more graphics work.
18:44 / 29.05.07
Drinking beer and watching a documentary on the subject you are to do an essay on is exactly the same as valid academic research.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:27 / 30.05.07
Making lolcats is THE SAME AS DRAWING. Lots of things are really. Colouring in the big letters on junk mail. Making a doodle then going round the edges in different colours of felt tip. Making chess-board patterns on your squared paper. DRAWING I TELL YOU.
23:25 / 30.05.07
I just picked up this gem while reading Order of the stick:

"Hard work may pay off in the long run, but laziness always pays off right now!"
Dead Megatron
04:37 / 31.05.07
I will conquer the world, and I will achieve undeniable ultimate coolness within this lifetime.

I will!
johnny enigma
08:53 / 31.05.07
Going out drinking alot, playing in a band and working very little is the same as "achieving undeniable ultimate coolness in this lifetime".

Believe me, I should know............
09:50 / 31.05.07
Anyone reading this instead of sending an abstract to the CAG is in big trouble, only twelve hours to deadline.
17:54 / 31.05.07
18:14 / 31.05.07
19:00 / 31.05.07
19:04 / 31.05.07
Aww! I am diggin' rainbowcatz.
11:30 / 12.06.07
Reading Barbelith Temple forum is exactly the same as actually writing one's article.

14:19 / 11.10.07
Cakes! What better time could there be to bake a tray of cupcakes?

Page: 12(3)

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