Oh my dear! That really does suck big cheesey cocks, especially having to cohabit while it is still all unravelling.
My best advice to girl friends under such circumstances is to get their inner goddess to put on some clean knickers and get on with the business of preventing isolation compounding the inevitable self pity. I think that boys have a goddess in their too, maybe you should try and find her and take her out for a party.
Do your self a favour and acknowledge your emotional self. You no doubt have every right to be angry, as has she. We do these things together after all. Once acknowledged though try to remember that you can never do anything to alter another persons attitudes/desires, all you can do is cultivate your own to be their most useful.
Recently had the latest break up with the on-again-off again-some-time-love-of-my-life. This happened while our new born babies were still in the Special Care Baby Unit. Plenty of scope for bitterness and anger. I think you have to go there, it's how you feel man, no point denying yourself. Once you've had a walk around the inside of your fury though, I found there came a point where you have to acknowledge that if this person does not want to spend their life with the incredible, creative, intellegent (and so on and so forth) human being that you are, then fuck 'em and all who sail in 'em!
So, keep your chin up, this too shall pass, and sundry other truisms. X |