(I'm pretty money-poor, relatively; so I sent a version of this Email to the address provided via my hotmail account earlier today, and [coincidentally?] I've been thunking nice thoughts about this Great Soul All week, especially today, after hear this potentially upsetting NEWS.)
Subject Title: A Worshipful Email of Love to My Illustrious Ancestor RAW.
All Mighty RAW:
I have read many of your Great Works. YOU have been an Inspiration to ME; YOU ALWAYS are; YOU ALWAYS Will BE. Without YOU and the rest of my Illustrious Ancestors I wouldn't be whom I am today.
I want to thank you for that. Thank you, you kind Great Old Dilemma.
Apparently, according to the Interweb, you need some of that Evil Green Stuff(?) at the moment? Unfortunately, I have little myself, very little, at the moment. But if I win, earn, or steal a large amount of money before Xmas and YOU ASK ME for it: I will give you 23% of whatever amount I plunder. Promise. X.
I do not know what an Amazing think muscle like yours would do with this 23%: but I Trust that you will use it (as aways) to make another Extraodinary Leap into the Unknown for the Universe to move Forward.
Nothing Truly Dies. YOU HELPED TO TEACH ME THAT. Thank you. x
By the way, did you hear about Neil Armstrong lately? How he didn't "fluff his lines" as the media have accused him, for years now...? Turns out, he said it just right (well, for him, at any rate). Never forget the "A" in....
X ?+-*/O:=X {<------ and other Universal Symbols of Love}
I also entered the Virgin Radio Big Star competition last night after reading this thread. Unfortunately, I refuse to give them my phone number and Real Name; and I couldn't work out how to enter my "guess the amount". Maybe we could all try to plunder some money from somewhere and try to get it to The Great Soul? If he isn't skint and dying (and this is a blag), at the very least Someone might do something Amazing with the Green stuff, for A change.... non?
Oh, and The Almight RAW will leave us when HE chooses. Surely WE ALL know that, non? I figure he'll wait to Xmas day or Halloween or another day of his choosing... And then we should Dance, dance all night, bang our sandals off the ground, slaughter rubber chickens, wail to the Heavens, scream at the Hells; and send a huge Comsic Triggered Kiss to OUR Illustrious Ancestors; ALL OF THEM!)
Forgive; do not Forget.
All Will BE Made Manifest. They are the prophets: YOU are the MEssiah.
One Love.

P.S. My Watch Is Fucked. Sorry Big Barbelith. It was ALL my fault; as usual. Please forgive me?
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