My Sally is now stuffed, I used gemstones mostly.
She has raggedy hair, but no features as yet, and is sat on my Halloween alter with Jack and Nero 
I joined in a small ritual run by one of our pagan society members, streamlined high magic, as he put it. It was to lead the ancestors back for 24hrs to give any messages they wanted to share... the results were mixed... I got no messages, but could feel a type of prescence I'm not used to... like the feeling of the dead at the local cemetery, and I got strong impressions of my cat... who died last Christmas. Relatively interesting dreams though, that night I dreamt of someone telling me something very important (that I can't remember a word of) while I was driving the car we were in and we were being followed by a flood, then we went into a tunnel guarded by the head of a black* man that had been sacrificed.
The next night I dreamt of dancing as the Goddess... which was pretty... as an offering.
Then last night I dreamt of boys being mangled by trains because they played too close to the tracks and the person who noticed the danger didn't say anything early enough.
I was woken up a little later by malevolent little beings pulling on my arms as I tried to get my b/f's clothes back through a window. I tried everso hard to banish them ( this was all in the dream, obviously) and when I awoke the light on my laptop was flashing and flickering, which it doesn't normally do, and my room felt scary.
Plus I got round to making my Gravestone-tree, I designed it to hold a candle, then dropped it so half the branches broke off before it'd even dried. *shrugs*.
So I've been fairly productive (whenever I make something I do meditate on the point of the project while charging it), none of my usual daily practices though, which I feel a bit guilty about :P
*I am unsure of the appropriate term, but this is how I descrbed him as dream self. |