Did you know that going to the toilet too many times can make you lose your dignity and/or even lose you half a million? (BBC NEWS website article link)
Sheesh! I haven't played chess in years. But from past expereince, I think I know where both potential champions are coming from. Don't you?
So why can't they just be cheque-mates and have a big lovely pwn huggle?
I mean, think about it, apparently neither of them ever left the gaze of the cameras, and both of them probably never left "The Game" either, even in their sleep...
I'd bet that in private they'd get on spankingly and laugh all night over a game of Backgammon, and an old, borrowed Jazz record collection and a bottle of Rum. But personally, I wouldn't want anyone to film that: 'tis private, innit? 
So, what do you think, Big B? Time for a Universal Pawn-fest? |