1) Make sure you actually receive, fill out, and send off your Student Loan deferral forms, until you can afford to pay them installments.
2) Do not get a credit card unless you can handle it. i.e. avoid borrowing for at least three years, unless you have a concrete plan and find your drea job (which can afford your "habits").
3) Think of your first job as the next leap to (e.g) an MA, not as a career. If you can afford it, try voluntary work in your sector/discipline for as long as possible. Above all, experiment, "shop around", be polite, and see what happens...
4) Make sure you've had a good, proper holiday before you sign a big, heavey duty contract.
5) Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. You're more qualified than you realise. Walking out is sometimes teh only way to preserve enough dignity to wake up every day
6) Remember there are a myriad of tools and services that can actually help you. e.g. the Interweb.
Hope that helps. I wish I'd done likewise, but I had to make mistakes to learn... |