It's both - a complicated divination method and a game. As a game it's ... it's not very good. There's a whole bunch of reasons for that, but the simple explanation is the rules weren't written very well. From memory, the original paper was written by Waite, and clearly didn't have a lot of accompanying play to go with it (it doesn't cover a lot of edge cases, for starters).
Chris Zalewski rejigged the rules a little (by going back to Chaturanga, a four handed chess game) and published a book on it - that's still the best reference if you're looking to find more details about EC. Unfortunately, Chris also clearly didn't play much - as the rules this time are laid out in more detail (Chess tournament rule style, so lots of very specific noodly details) but again the underlying rules lead into a bunch of weird places.
Basically, Enochian Chess isn't very good chess. It's interesting as a divination system but ultimately I feel its primary purpose is to familarise people with the Enochian tablets (as used in the GD) through play. Which means it works out decently as a means of learning, but not much as a system of initation.
RPG's as initation is actually something I'm interested in, but its a crap discussion to have, and especially a crap discussion to have here. What most people think of as an RPG (sitting around a table with dice) isn't how I'm interested, nor how I play.
The short way of going about it is the following :
Ritual work to prep, with all ritual trimmings - candles, incense, cleansing, fasting, evocation of the hall and those who will oversee the process.
Players take it in turn to invoke the forces they want to work with.
"Play" starts. This is broad work with the gods invoked and their interactions, combined with your intents.
Finish and close.
Of course, you're not likely to get that sort of thing working with your friday D&D crowd, but you can work to it. And of course, the "Play" section can be chaotic and powerful and uncomfortable and dangerous - and you should make sure you really trust the people you're working with.
That said and done, this is powerful stuff. Of course, in one sense it's just group ritual work, not an RPG at all - however, when I roleplay I do it just like the above, only turned down a notch. |