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The Sedona Method - magickal tool?

20:33 / 08.09.06
Hi guys,

I've been meaning to ask about this on here for months. Gypsy Lantern's posting on the Gek thread has spurred me into action.

I first learned about The Sedona Method a few years ago (some refer to this sort of thing as 'holistic releasing'), and ended up buying the CD course from Sedona Training Associates. After nearly two years of it gathering dust on a shelf, during which I'd only got around to listening to the first CD, I decided to go to a Sedona Method training weekend in London. (My clinical depression prevents me from doing anything without being forced to, so going to London and learning the -incredibly simple- technique from an instructor was the only way I could learn it).

The Method is, in a nutshell, a way of 'letting go' of any unwanted feelings/emotions/beliefs, it worked quite well when I tried it. It's incredibly easy to do, you can learn it from the book "The Sedona Method" by Hale Dwoskin, another version of the same technique is in the book "The Power of Letting Go" by Patricia Carrington.

Anyway, letting go of unwanted emotions etc. is all very good. But, to me, it gets more interesting when people start letting go of wanting things, like "I want a new car" or whatever. I've heard many anecdotal stories of people letting go of wanting things, only to recieve them shortly afterwards. Sort of like sigil magick without the sigils (or wanking).

I've toyed with the idea of casting sigils, and then using the method to let go of wanting the result to come about. (But alas, my chronic procrastination has got in the way of me trying this out.)

Has anyone else tried the Sedona Method? What sort of results have you had? And do you consider it a useful tool for the magickian?


P.S. If anyone needs help learning the method, or needs a 'releasing partner', send me a PM.
23:48 / 09.09.06
I've never heard of this. What is it?
00:34 / 10.09.06
A good question grant. I'm always surprised by how little-known this is.

It's very hard to describe the Sedona Method in a post like this, it really has to be learned experientially, but it's shockingly simple.

Basically, you just focus on any feeling/belief that is limiting you, and you let it go! It really is that simple, but it's sort of difficut to explain/learn precicely because it's so simple.

To learn more, you should take a look at either of those two books I mentioned (or take a course in it like I did). Lester Levenson's book "Happiness is Free" might also be a good place to start. But I'll try my best to explain how to do it, I'm a bit rusty, so if anyone with more experience wants to correct me, jump in...

Think about something that is troubling you (or even something that isn't troubling you, Lester Levenson was a big fan of 'letting go' of good feelings too).

Focus on your feeling about it RIGHT NOW, then ask yourself (or get someone to ask you) these questions:

1. COULD YOU ALLOW THIS FEELING BE HERE? (i.e. can you just accept it and live with it?) - Whether you answer yes or no doesn't matter.

2. COULD YOU WELCOME THIS FEELING? - again, whatever you answer doesn't matter.



5. WHEN?

However you answer the questions doesn't matter, you just ask and answer them in that order. The feeling can be 'released' however you answer, ideally you'd answer NOW! to the final question, and 'let go' of the feeling, but people might release or dislodge feelings no matter what the answer.

Then you get in touch with your NOW feeling about the same issue, and see if it is different, and do the process all over again, and repeat until you feel you've let it go as much as you can.

I know it sounds a bit mental, but when you do 'release' it can feel awesome! Sometimes people have physical reactions just by doing the process, like breaking into a sweat, etc.

There is the analogy that feelings are like layers of an onion wrapped around a core belief/feeling, and by going through the process you gradually 'let go' of all the crap wrapped around a specific issue, which is always pretty cool.

You can find a bit more about it on the website of the woman that ran the course I attended:

00:43 / 10.09.06
I meant to add, that is just the basic method. There's a bit more to it, like what to do if you get stuck on something, but that would take pages to explain.

The 'Magick' bit comes whan you start releasing 'wants', eg. COULD I ALLOW THIS FEELING OF WANTING LOTS OF SEX BE HERE... COULD I WELCOME THE FEELING... COULD I LET IT GO... etc.

The audio course I got came with an bonus CD concentrating on Financial Abundance, for example.

Seems all a bit magicky to me, anyway.
18:48 / 12.03.07
I have just got back into using the Sedona method...and like the mellow feelings that result from a session

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