Replies! Awesome.
Sax: 75,000 is short, yes. But (a) I expect things will expand in the second draft... I'm more worried about whether the worldbuilding works at all. And (b) I'm aiming for something in sort of a Jim Thompson vibe, so short isn't bad given that I'm mining a pulp vein.
To extend the mining metaphor, I'm used to panning for gold: with comics, at the end of the day, I know whether I've found a nugget or just sand. I dread slogging away hauling buckets of ore up from the depths for a year just to realize that the goddamn sculpture needs to be made from soapstone. Sometimes, alone in the mine, the sweat and blood gets in your eyes and you lose some perspective on what the endpoint really should be.
Miners, you may have noticed, often have foremen.
But in relation to the actual questions posed, I'll just put you down in the "keep plugging away" column, shall I?
I'm certainly not doggedly agonizing. Not just pounding out blather, but I'm anticipating a good revision process.
It's just that the time commitment is on such a different scale with this that it's not a couple weeks' work and "hmm, that really didn't work..." it's a year. Or years. That's bothersome.
It's the balance of "an external view might be helpful in clarifying some core world-building issues" versus "external thoughts at this point might 'steer' me more than I should be steered at this point" that's running around in my head. |