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Knight Rider-The (2008) Movie


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Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:53 / 08.09.06

So I reckon all they need to do is an A Team movie and a Blue Thunder one and they will have succesfully stolen my childhood entirely.
pointless & uncalled for
08:55 / 08.09.06
I'm safe as long as they don't go for Dogtanian and the Three Muskahounds.

Anyone other than The Hoff for Michael?
Jack The Bodiless
10:18 / 08.09.06
I want a Magnum PI remake. Starring Tom Selleck. He still looks hott. I want it. With the same music, moustache, etc. Want.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:17 / 08.09.06
I wonder if they will fight KITT's evil brother KARR in the movie.

Or that monster truck driven by Michael's evil brother Garth.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:22 / 08.09.06
I wonder if they will just pour fucking acid in my eyes and be done with it.

This trend of making movies from so-so TV shows in the past has got to stop.
Loud Detective
18:57 / 08.09.06
I heard on the TV the other day that apparently an A-Team movie is being made, with none other than Nic Cage as Hannibal, so I guess that's one step closer to your childhood being stolen, Lady.

Also I can see pretty much no way that this movie will be anything approaching watchable, unless KITT looks exactly the same, because man, KITT was pretty awesome.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:25 / 08.09.06
none other than Nic Cage as Hannibal

Holy shit, I'm starting to believe that Nic Cage's agent is none other than Satan hisself.
20:06 / 08.09.06
The truth is that Nic Cage and Satan have the same agent.
electric monk
20:07 / 08.09.06
Nic Cage as Hannibal? All kinds of wrongness. Now, Nic Cage as Manimal...
electric monk
20:11 / 08.09.06
20:18 / 08.09.06
I raise you

electric monk
20:41 / 08.09.06
21:21 / 08.09.06
So I reckon all they need to do is an A Team movie and a Blue Thunder one and they will have succesfully stolen my childhood entirely.

Don't have to go far for one of those.

The Blue Thunder TV show was utterly lifted from the Blue Thunder movie starring Roy Scheider.

Priceless goddamn lines in it too. For ex:

Captain Braddock to Lymangood: "You think I don't know about that silly little twit up in Encino, for christsakes? I had twenty years in this outfit, when your idea of a good time was sittin' in front of the TV tube, watchin' Bugs Bunny and gnawing on your fudgesickle!"
21:23 / 08.09.06
No, no, we're talking about a modern Blue Thunder movie. Who cares if they made one back in the Eighties?
21:45 / 08.09.06
utterly lifted seems a little harsh, when it was actually a spin-off TV series... hence the same name. It's not like they just stole the idea.
21:54 / 08.09.06

"...incredible speeds of up to 300 miles per hour..."
electric monk
01:25 / 09.09.06
The finale of Nighthawk's premiere episode (Nighthawk, right?) is lodged forever in my back-brain. The foreshadowing of the eventual feat ("So, what would happen if I hit the Super Mega Accelerator and applied the Spring Action Wing Brakes at the same time?" "No one's every tried that!"). The ungodly-cool payoff as Nighthawk, in desperation, flips the switches and flies off the edge of a cliff and loops-the-loop as Engine and Brake clash in a Battle of Physics and his Enemy runs straight at where he was and falls to teh Fiery Death! At least, I think that's how it went.

I can't believe we exported this shit.
01:47 / 09.09.06
Street Hawk?
electric monk
01:57 / 09.09.06
That's the one! No wonder it wasn't coming up on IMDB.
04:52 / 09.09.06
I heard a rumour that there was a planned episode of Quantum Leap in which Sam Beckett leaped into Magnum PI. Now that's a movie I'd like to see.

Woah. It's actually confirmed on Wikipedia:

A crossover with Magnum, P.I. (also produced by Donald Bellisario) was planned, in which Sam would leap into Thomas Magnum himself. Plans for a Magnum, P.I. movie (later aborted) led to the crossover being cancelled, although some footage was filmed, including the initial leaping in sequence, usually put at the end of the preceding episode (the "Oh boy..." bit). This featured Scott Bakula, dressed in Magnum's classic red Aloha shirt, turning towards the camera and comically raising his eyebrows, just as Tom Selleck does at the end of the opening credits to Magnum, P.I.. Some consider that if this situation had Sam leaping into Magnum rather than Tom Selleck the actor, this would have created a continuity issue, since in an earlier episode a character (The daughter of Sam's current host, to be precise) is seen watching Magnum, P.I. on television. However, in the Pilot episode of QL, Sam mentions that a relation of his had married Jim Bonick, who was a reoccurring character from Magnum, P.I.. One possible solution could be that Magnum (the character) had his own television show in the QL universe.
06:37 / 09.09.06
'Kin 'ell


Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:19 / 09.09.06
Jan Michael Vincent: "If I play this cello down by the lake enough, maybe it'll make up for my total lack of charisma!"

Now Automan is a concept crying out for a grim and gritty 2006 makeover...
22:30 / 10.09.06
Cursor as anti-hero?
22:35 / 10.09.06
utterly lifted seems a little harsh, when it was actually a spin-off TV series... hence the same name. It's not like they just stole the idea.

Copied, lifted, reproduced, peeled from? What would you call it, Stoat, since you find my word choice unsatisfactory?

Fucking hell.
22:50 / 10.09.06
Sorry, wasn't trying to be snarky- I just got the impression you were saying it was a ripoff. Not sure why that bugged me to be honest. I just felt I had to defend its honour. Even though it was rubbish.
The Natural Way
10:40 / 14.09.06
What about MANIMAL?


11:28 / 14.09.06
Already been mentioned

Quite the lazy twunce today, I see.
14:21 / 14.09.06
Or that monster truck driven by Michael's evil brother Garth.

I hate to quibble (no wait, I love to quibble), Elijah, but Michael and Garth weren't really brothers. Michael was given plastic surgery to look like Garth by Garth's father, Wilton Knight, founder of the Foundation for Law and Government, which created KITT.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:33 / 14.09.06
Which, as Garth was a bad 'un, is probably a very bad idea for a guy who's supposed to be a super-secret agent of a super-secret agency. Perhaps for the remake the Michael Knight character could have plastic surgery to make him look like Osama Bin Laden?
17:22 / 14.09.06
If I remember correctly, they thought Garth was dead at the time of Michael's plastic surgery. Not that that makes it any less odd or creepy.
Dead Megatron
17:57 / 14.09.06
Nah, that was just a plot device so that the Hasselhof could play a bad guy who fights himself.

Because every action/scifi series has an episode when the hero must face his counterpart nemesis.

As well as an episode when he himseld turns evil (or seems to until the very end)

And one when he looses his memory (can overlap with previous cliché)

And one when he gives up.

And one when the sidekick (in this case, K.I.T.T.) gives up

And one when he goes missing and everyone wonder if he's dead.

And one when he's actually near death, and all his friends remember the defining moments of their friendship (clip show episode)

And one when... I can't think of anything else right now, but give me time and I can go on like this for hours.

And i'd totally pay to an Automan or a Manimal movie, I admit

One last comment on a proposed Knight rider film:

"Yeah, but does the car... transforms? I think not..."
electric monk
19:57 / 14.09.06
How wrong you are, DM! KITT got an upgrade after being destroyed in an episode that ran in, I think, the final season. This upgrade included a Transform Mode which allowed KITT to go from car car. Faster car. Supersonic speed car. Boboss will prove it with pics any moment now, I'd wager.

I'm off to research. Back shortly.
electric monk
20:16 / 14.09.06
This is the episode of which I speak, but I can find no pics to prove my point. Just trust me.
20:44 / 14.09.06
Kind of old news now, but this story still tickles me.
Dead Megatron
22:15 / 14.09.06
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. I sooo stand corrected now. Thanks for enlightening me, monk.

Anyway, at least the near-kill cliché still applies.

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