i'm not sure how you define 'positively', so i'm not sure what you mean. the fact that you said intrusion and then defined it as both negative and unnecessary suggests your question is not genuine, and that perhaps i would be justified in treating as nothing but an attack.
i wont, though.
i was genuinely curious about your error, clarifying your intent before i told you stuff you already know about parentheses.
i even made an error of my own in the above post to join in the game, in case one was indeed afoot.
as for being here, i'm only in this thread because you mentioned electricity and strangeness in the abstract, two thing i love.
to be honest, having made my own way to the website you mentioned, i was struck by how misleading the summary was. my frustration with your approach may have come across in how i phrased my question, smacking as it did of an arrogant attitude towards other posters and their needs (namely the need to have a scooby what threads are about).
if so then i'm sorry about that, and i will endeavour to be more upfront about my frustrations in future to avoid such passive aggresion coming through in a point unrelated to it.
you might want to check out the rules of grammar surrounding making sense with brackets. |