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Autumn Scheduling - Recommendations

Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:25 / 01.09.06
The days are getting longer and the kids are going back to school, so that means that the TV channels are going to start showing stuff that is still crap but newer types of crap. This thread is for Barbeloids to suggest the new stuff that their chums on the other side of the Atlantic might fancy trying.

Any suggestions?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:59 / 01.09.06
I recommend Supernatural, actually. It was created by two of the better X-Files writers, Glen Morgan and James Wong, even has one of the producers of that show, Kim Manners, I think. It's well-done, clever, tongue-in-cheek suspense/horror, and definitely has some genuinely scary moments.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
21:01 / 01.09.06
Here is the Wikipedia article on the show.
21:46 / 01.09.06
I loved Space: Above and Beyond, a previous Morgan and Wong effort (and wronged! Cruelly wronged by Fox!) (ahem) so thanks for the heads-up, I'll definitely give that a go.

Isn't there another series of Battlestar Galactica coming up?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
21:53 / 01.09.06
In October, I believe.

I also really really recommend Eureka,. It's very clever which means it's doomed.
09:14 / 02.09.06
I'm currently watching the first series of NUMB3RS that BitTorrent provided for me, it's not totally amazing or anything but it's decent and worth watching in my opinion. Wiki page here.
11:05 / 04.09.06
That Mitchell and Webb Look should be good, even if it will probably just use most of the gags from the radio show. "Now we know!"; "That's numberwang!"; "Oooh, that's a bad miss."
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:24 / 04.09.06
I must admit that M&W's stuff has always passed me by but the ads on BBC2, with them sitting round a table and shouting at each other looks achingly unfunny. Is that a transfer from the radio series?
22:08 / 04.09.06
Yeah, that's "Big Talk" where a hectoring and stupid host browbeats people into solving the world's problems. Works well on radio, might come across a bit Footlights on TV.
Keith, like a scientist
22:40 / 04.09.06
I'm most looking forward to Aaron Sorkin's new show Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, cause Sorkin is TEH BEST.

There are a few other shows I want to check out like Heroes, which looks like it might be a smarter, more polished version of The 4400, and also The Nine looks like it might be interesting...

Of course LOST and Battlestar are coming back soon, too.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
17:44 / 06.09.06
In Britain the Saturday evening slot that Dr. Who's had in recent times I think is going to be the home of a new Robin Hood show. I'm wondering how reminiscent of the old Robin of Sherwood series it's going to be. Will it be as "pagan"?
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