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The Illusionist

14:51 / 25.08.06
I saw this film last night at the Ardclight Theatre (the best in Hollywood) and it was very enjoyable. I haven't seen Neil Burger's first film INTERVIEW WITH THE ASSASSIN (a fake documentary interviewing JFK's "real" killer), but I'm going to rent it right away based on this.

There isn't much I can say about the story without giving a lot away, but though Norton is the most intense presence, Giamatti is the real star and you are seeing the story through his eyes for most of the film. Rufus Sewell, constantly underated, is an excellent antagonist who makes what could be a cardboard villain into a fully formed individual.

Jessica Biel is incredibly good-looking if not quite up to the same standard set by everyone else in the cast.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
15:35 / 25.08.06
All I know about it is that the soundtrack is by Philip Glass... my emp is putting it out.

The trailer looks fab, though.
The Prince of All Lies
15:42 / 25.08.06
Looking at the cast, it looks like a no-brainer... sounds awesome.
18:42 / 25.08.06
I saw it last night too, and I quite liked it. I really like Edward Norton, but I have to admit that Paul Giamatti was more impressive here. I'm also still not entirely sure I've got it completely straight what happened, so I'd love to have a spoilery conversation about it if anyone wants to. I would almost see it again, in order to pay more attention to the music and to the bits of Prague that the filming caught as well as to the plot, just not quite. Maybe on video some time.
21:06 / 13.09.06
I saw this a week ago and loved it. It had a twist at the end worthy of Shyamalan, but it wasn't obvious to the viewer five minutes into the film. The supporting cast was excellent, and Paul Giamatti was wonderful. That said, Mr.Giamatti runs like a duck.
22:36 / 13.09.06
Yes, I was asking myself if that run was something he developed for the character or just him.

There are interesting clues throughout the movie that let you in on the trick - enough to encourage second viewings with people who haven't seen it.
Mr Tricks
17:36 / 14.09.06
yes a very enjoyable film. Wonderful to look at. the key clue, for me, was Eisen's choice to "leave the lamps" while packing up the theatre...

Beyond that nice play with the lemon tree.

As an aside. A friend of a friend is an accomplished Stage Magician. Funny guy too, but I've been to parties where he's surounded by people trying to figure out his next move and he's still astounding. He can still make a whole deck of cards change from Blue to Red in the midst of a "card-trick."

that said... I realy enjoyed the choice of time period . . . what with "Spiritualism" so popular at that time.
17:48 / 14.09.06
Also, note that the first "ghost" was the son of a "lens grinder in Prague" where Eisenstein first went to live with his uncle - I wonder what his Uncle did for a living?
The Prince of All Lies
17:01 / 21.12.06
I finally saw this yesterday and thought it was a weak film, actually. Giamatti is great as always, but Ed Norton really let me down, though I think it's not entirely his fault. The "romance" in the movie is badly handled, the flashback to their teen years is cringe-inducing... I don't know, they failed in their attempt to sell me their love, maybe because it was too rushed.
I think the movie got interesting towards the end, though I had guessed it was all a trick since the scene where they sleep together and he tells her to run away with him. Not to sound snob, but it was pretty obvious, guys. Especially since the murder was staged pretty badly, and Eisenheim's grief is laughable. I actually marveled at Norton's inability to convey credible emotions.

Jessica Biel was hot, though.
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