Although i admire his balls and his rhetoric, He has an inspiring bark, but not much bite. He wants to nationalize Bolivia's natural resources, making sure that their profits go to Bolivia's people, rather than to foreign multinational companies. However, these resources have been leased to the companies, and these leases are protected by the North American Free Trade Agreement, and disputes w/r/t these leases are subject to arbitration by secret pannels (that I think are appointed by the United States, but I'm not sure) which, in the case of Morales, would almost certainly rule in favor of the industries. In which case, the leases would be enforced by some means of which I am not knowlegable w/r/t at the moment. Additionally, completely independently of NAFTA and secret arbitration pannels, if Morales steps out of line, I see in his future some sort of "popular coup" in the vein of the one we trid to pull on Chavez back in 2003. So, although his motives may be noble, he is essentially at the mercy of western industry, and at the moment, in no position to make any sweeping changes. |