I don't know who either of those two men are and I have no idea what they['re talking about either. Should I? I mean, DM, you're in Brazil and you clearly do. Do you get American telly or something?
Yeah, I get lots of American telly. MOstly Cartoon Network, Scifi shows and the like, but also CNN and Foxnews. Nill O'reilly is the ubber-conservative right-wing freak editorialist (who I like to hear just to piss myself of and also to get more Stephen Colbert jokes). Thi Olberman dude seems to be some sort of anti-O'Reilly, which makes for much entertaining left-wing editorialism, as is in the case in point
As for the Jabba nickname, it refers to the owner of the Fox (whose name escapes me now). I have no idea how the guy looks like, but I imagine the nickname Jabba has more to do with a supposed "wining personality" and politics...
Anyway, fun stuff. |