The symbolism that could be read into some of these is amazing:

Good & Evil playing cosmic chess for souls?
Legba - the angel/demon thing comes from a friend, who knows a hell of a lot about gnostic/other xtian heretic stuff (she's one who i want to get on Barbelith, but doesn't have an internet connection atm)... apparently, there are desriptions (rather than visual depictions, tho i'm sure artists have interpreted them) in some gnostic or otherwise heretical stuff of angels and demons* as more insect-like than vertebrate-like in appearance - angels having multiple pairs of wings and limbs, demons resembling "locusts" i think that in the "official" version of the Bible, there are partial bits of such descriptions in Ezekiel(?) and Revelation, but possibly very mangled in translation...
*which are distinct, as i understand it, from fallen angels, tho things get a bit blurred/overlapped...
/possibly-more-suitable-for-Temple digression |