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Robot poetics

at the scarwash
19:32 / 19.07.06
i have received a few interesting pieces of spam recently that have attached in the body of the message what seems to be machine generated text of some sort. i find the disjointed text (quoted below, beneath the commercial content of the spam) rather compelling at moments, and wonder if anyone else has noted this tactic of evading spam filters. i have half an idea to do a piece of generative poetry based on compiling and editing together this sort of material, but, apart for waiting around for more missives from such spambots, i am at a loss for more material. if anyone else has encountered this stuff, please post it. perhaps we could all work out permutations of the source texts and put together an epic. also, does anyone know the software one would use to produce text like that below? it seems to me that it probably uses some version of the travesty cut up program, fed somehow by random search engine generated texts, but how?

Are you spening too much on your RX|s
Guaranteed Lowest Price
save|up to 62%


Woodrow Hanna

turned upside down in this tale of two kitties but hardly worth all the alarms more concerned about his ability to
awaits the world fight to prevent the adults be peacefully diffused and that control
French cop Jean Reno has namely Jean Reno as Bezu Fache though factoring in higher ticket prices
that allows him to perform turns and switchbacks a classy bit of fireside storytelling


One of our agents has been trying to contact you regarding your house.
We have some happy news. Although it has taken some time, our brokers have
found 2 financers that are able to r e f i n a n c e for you.

Even l o w-c r e d i t will not be an issue if you confirm with us today.


Kind Regards,

Kent Oliver
QQE Lenders

Both battles main with ruinous assault
Was never arms on armour clashing brayed
by small numbered letters marking further successive forms which coolant become

the urls are for the usual sort of vulture sites. it is only out of respect for the integrity of the original artist that i have included them here.
01:15 / 20.07.06
Spam art is getting bigger and bigger these days, there's some 40k hits for "spam art" in google. I'm trying to find this one project I found which turned spam email headlines into re-rendered porn (and so on) made out of colourised headlines, it was really awesome.

I also found this, by our very own Mr. Coates.

Ah, here it is, good old Rhizome. They've got a lot of art projects which show up when you type 'spam' into their search box.

Also, I think the text is generated by a program written by a guy called hip(word for breaking the law) (I'd put it in full, but years past, he used to search for sites mentioning him and spam them to death, so just in case he's still active, I won't).

I personally have made something similar, though it's full of more random letters and makes less sense, called autotransformer's smorgasbord, which I made by turning a text (Philip K Dick's... confessions of a crap artist, I think) sideways, and running the resultant jumble through a spellchecker. It's hard to parse, but does have some really awesome phrases in it (like its title). It's quite interesting to try and read it out loud, making the fragments into words if you can. Or, at least, reduced a room full of my friends to tears of laughter, but that might have been at me, not it.
16:51 / 22.07.06
A new penis-enlargement email from Weston Adams:

Separate yourself from other men

In a pitty
without warning
the face
of feared
grew sullen
Black angry
mouths, the clouds
swallowed up
the banged
The air was
misfits with
suppressed excitement
The slower
howled through
the confiding
and sobbed
and abject
in the secret
of the drunks
The chime of
the highway bell
flowed out into
the bowing
The uninhabited notes
the holy chant
caviar with
the storm like
drunker angels
with Satan
At last the eyelids
of condemnatory lay
vanquished. The
tellin paused
in its course
to do patchwork
to God.
matilda however
aprinciple clap
of thunder smote
the sky
The gorilla chime
of the whiskey
off with a
a visibility dissonance
Demons seemed
to definition
Rain came
down flounce
cataract containment
of lightning chased
one cheerlessly like
battling fiery
dragons. explorer
jangled hideously
out of milady
Unearthly noises
like a arduous
parody of the
holy grape that
marks the elevation
of the survey
alarmed the ears
the unrecognizable monks
unspeakable blasphemies
miners with
ceremony and interspersed
midst of a strangled
had suddenly
rekindle mad in the
if a High Priest
chemise but resolute
Father Ambrose
seized a embraces
In phalanx
if for battle
the brethren prospering
ordeal with gleaming
eyes and trembling
historically the militant
army of God swept up deranger
stairs mumbling
the ritual of the richard
Infected bolder
by the scabbards hysteria
Aubrey insolence
of the handles


The product-related info was all in the graphics (blocked).
It looks like these phrases might have been randomly pulled from existing texts, rather than completely machine-generated. Entertainingly, all the Google ads were for rockabilly and heavy metal sites (keywords: "misfits," "Satan," etc.).

I rather like the line, "the gorilla chime of the whisky" and the name "Aubrey Insolence" - sounds like the singer for a Victorian punk band.
at the scarwash
19:12 / 23.07.06
i received this today:

Andean Region Potential
allMy pleasure harvest Poems shapes Concrete
console elements
ads. Readme Python NewsFeed
Archives progress
stage initial schedule secret
areas traffic
Becton Dickinson kit. tracked Bogots airport. policy strongly
ever. explain
assay Neurosci Methods Bedford Turner lethality
Render Tycoon
amounts mild cocaleaf
andOlson Oslo
basis Still Together
esoteric concept thats said.
boils crackling
AIX Irix UNIX HPUX Solaris. Smalltalk
Finally vesicular
Dial Tables
coatings present.
Ciccio men. One palace fortress. Tommasino
Project. Siegel
steel copper
boomarks website. NewsGator
links. subscribe feeds

i think that the line "basis Still Together" is particularly poignant.

there is also an indication of a textual self-awareness in the part, "allMy pleasure harvest Poems shapes Concrete/ console elements," at least to my ears.
at the scarwash
08:20 / 28.07.06
i like this one. it's all about affirmation.

After a storm comes a calm. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance No Good Building Without a Good Foundation
Be kind to people on the way up, you may need them when you are on your way down
For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings. There's a black sheep in every flock.
We had nothing to do and we did it very well
Its too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted All you need is love
God helps those who help themselves
We do not care of what we have, but we cry when it is lost Folly grows without watering
Confidence is a plant of slow growth
A good denial, the best point in law. Doubt is the beginning of wisdom.
06:03 / 31.07.06
i was kinda wondering what you were all on about - sorta. my mac and its eudora just don't seem to attract spam... - until this afternoon.

among the gibberish, this gem:

Broader versions now ready creates seamless says Watch
company said. It
Larger boxes indicate hotter stories.
question YahooMy MailPage narrow
MahJomino Casino Poker: WSOP Razz Limit Texas Holdem No Slingo Monty Bejeweled Deluxe
prevent people

...not just any ol' preventing people now.
Char Aina
23:11 / 06.10.06
unedited modernist genius:
The same Lord, thing but you aroused would you arranged: for a. The same I forgot.
Char Aina
23:12 / 06.10.06
the subject line of the email..? a little less so.

"the royal sport and bulk. The subject to blow my dear sir."
Char Aina
12:16 / 16.01.07
i want to read the novel this is stolen from.

High tech and perfect concealment, he said. There should be glue.
01:34 / 17.01.07
"Reacher", he thought. It was obvious.
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