My friend Sam, how is it possible that you have not seen the events of the last five years? So radicalised, politics hung around you like a cloud. We lost touch and I don't know the method that you used to kill yourself but I knew you. I want to hear you compound five years of terrorism with that fine sense of anarchy that characterised every other word. That political sense, never childish, always passionate, not an angry young man but an angry person. So old for someone so uneducated. The anti-war protests in 2003 would have been very different, angrier, more proportionate for me if you had been alive. I miss your fight, without you I don't know how to bear the brunt of the illogic that these people speak, I don't know how to be viscerally angry. 18 months and it would have swept outward again. Sam, my Sam, the things I should have done with you. What a force we could have been, tougher on the front, I gave it a go but it was sad without you, they didn't understand the calm in the middle.
Sam, expression of my anger. Leave your band behind and fight with me Sam. Take me away from the mainstream, more dynamic, tougher than the socialists. Sensible. You should have been a China Mieville you stupid, stupid man. How dare you suicide you bastard. |