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Filmfour Free

All Acting Regiment
12:58 / 14.07.06
So Film Four (UK digital film channel run by Channel 4, along with E4 and More4, unless More4's gone, it might be, I don't know) is going to be on Freeview (free digital service in the UK).

Good, yeah? Any heads up about stuff we need to see?
13:09 / 14.07.06
One of the things I find interesting about this is that in a climate of plummeting spot-advertising revenues – and lots of people predicting that a subscription model is the future for commercial broadcasters – FilmFour have calculated that they will make more money on advertising in a free-to-air service than through subscription.
Future Perfect
14:06 / 14.07.06
It is good news this, isn't it? And smart of C4. Film Four's got such a clear brand and one that I guess very much targets those juicy markets advertsiers like the most, middle class hipsters with lots of disposable cash.

Really does throw the gauntlet down to other channels, I think, and at a time when lots of channels seem pretty similar to one another it might be a good way of saying to the TV people that if you do have that clarity of what you offer, rather than trying to do a bit of everything for everybody, then there's an audience there and one you maybe don't have to charge?

I mean can anyone really tell the difference between ITV channels, Sky Three and 5ive etc (I mean apart from the logos in the corner of the screen).
15:23 / 14.07.06
I think there’s some interesting stuff here, FP. As the market fragments and channels proliferate, as the audience becomes harder to reach, a whole new approach to branding is probably needed. Maybe it’s going to be all about niche brands and the long-tail.
I wonder, in fact, whether we’ll ultimately see a reverse in the dynamic – that as consumers, *we’ll* be the one’s promoting our own personal brands in a bid to attract the content we want. That might be another thread though.

This might be offtopic too, but since it’s come up, I’d be interesting to know how the major channels are perceived. What do the various brands mean right now? How do BBCs 1 – 4 compare to ITVs 1 – 4 and the C4, E4, More4, FilmFour family. Are they coherent brands (both the larger BBC, ITV, Channel 4 brands, and the sub-brands within those groups)? If you saw an ITV4 logo in the corner of your screen, would you have any particular expectation of what was going to come with it?

Personally, I often don’t know what channel I’m watching. I tend to navigate the EPG and look for programmes. But I know other people who feel strong channel loyalties (“I love E4”, “I never watch ITV”, etc). What about you?

(Sorry, Legba, would you prefer it if I spun this off into a separate thread? I’m not exactly sure what your intentions for this thread are – whether it’s just asking for people to recommend films they know or expect to be shown on FilmFour, or whether it can stretch to a discussion of broadcasters extending their brands on free-to-air digital platforms, as exemplified by the FilmFour move).
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:11 / 14.07.06
About time too. I was subscribed to them three or four years ago back when they had Film Four/Film Four World and Film Four Extreme I think it was, but I wasn't watching a huge amount of their films, then they switched to Film Four/Film Four +1 and Film Four 'we show the same films for a week but then find an excuse to show the same selection every seven weeks or so' and I dumped them. In light of E4 and More4 this news isn't that surprising, but welcome anyway.

When does it start happening?
Essential Dazzler
16:55 / 14.07.06
July 23rd I believe.

I'm well chuffed about this. I've been lusting after this channel for years.

What's Filmfour's scheduling like? Generally how long does it take for films to get repeated?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:24 / 15.07.06
Depending on how much the filmfour scheduler likes them, sometimes not long at all...
tea and biscuits
21:06 / 15.07.06
As a subscriber for the past few years I'm mildly pissed off that the chanels I previously enjoyed will be polluted with advertising.

It was worth £6 a month just to be able to watch a film all the way though, I suspect now they'll be fractured every 20 minutes with advert breaks - utterly destroying any sense of pace or atmosphere.
22:20 / 15.07.06
Probably only every 35 minutes, but yeah, I think that is a real problem with the move.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:03 / 24.07.06
Who was the guy slapping adverts on car windscreens?
08:15 / 24.07.06
Gael García Bernal, isn't it?
10:42 / 24.07.06
Oh, I really like those ads! I just love the part with Willem Defoe and Mackenzie Crook, which seems awfully sweet.
11:52 / 24.07.06
Yeeee, It's free for sky and cable customers too.

It appears that it's not actually film four we're getting, it's had a complete brand overhaul and is now, wait for it.....

The Falcon
20:20 / 06.08.06
Just as an fyi to anybody who's got this hooked up, they're doing a Ghibli season just now, which I'm delighted about; missed The Castle of Cagliostro on Friday, but it's repeated... next Sunday? Was Mononoke today, but I've got the vid, so I didn't bother, and I think Porco Rosso tomorrow. Kiki's Delivery Service, yesterday, was the first thing I've got round to watching since it was on. Lovely stuff, nice to see the typical Miyazaki themes closer to their inception.
The Falcon
20:23 / 06.08.06

Sorry, Laputa tomorrow and Cagliostro repeated on the 17th.
All Acting Regiment
11:12 / 16.08.06
Those Ghibli films have all been good. Interesting how, in a form my peers seem to like for it's big robots and guns and shit, it's the fairy stories about nature and flying that are the best...

I was particularly glad to see a peaceful/antiwar film in things like Nausicaa...I used to be into bits and bobs of stuff when I was a kid but as an adult I'd only really watched Appleseed and Overfeind and had got to assuming that all Anime was dodgy police-state promo or tentacle rape.
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