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Last night on TV

14:23 / 13.07.06
I wanted to talk about something I saw last night and it doesn't really merit a whole thread hence this. (Maybe this already exists and I just couldn't find it on the search?)

Did anyone one watch Soundproof(ed?) last night? Twas a drama about a deaf man who was prime suspect for a murder who gets involved with the sign language interpreter assigned to his case.

I thoucht it was real good. Fairly straightforward structure with the evolving story cut up with flashbacks to the night of the crime. Susan Lynch played the interpreter and a very handsome man (missed his name) played the deaf guy.

I liked the way sound was used to try and convey the isolation of the lead character - e.g. cutting between his perspective of muffled sound to loud traffic noises and buses rushing past. I also liked the way it built up the drama towards the lead character getting accused, sent to a bail hostel, skipping bail. It kept me guessing just enough as well. I wasn't sure if it was going to end up with him being guilty (i.e. he did it to protect his friend from her abusive boyfirend, or they colluded to do him in and then she betrayed him) or the slightly cosier ending of him being innocent and living happily ever after with interpreter, which was the actual turn out.

So sexy sex scenes too.

Anybody else watch/like it? or just me...
07:03 / 14.07.06
nooo... i watched Laura Norder. Course, I am in Australia....
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:34 / 15.07.06
Finally got round to watching the first episode of 'Annually Retentive' and gave up after about ten minutes. Continually cutting away from the crap quiz to Rob Brydon complaining how crap the quiz is doesn't make the whole sorry state of affairs any better, it just highlights the fact that yes, these things are cheap, yes they involve Y-list no hopers and yes, the unnecessarily long sequence where they mock Gail Porter over her alopecia while probably go down as one of the unfunniest things to be broadcast this year. The fact that I recognise most of the 'script-team' as actors also emphasises that this is basically an office-based sitcom being used to prop up something that makes 'Mock the Week' look like 'Primary Colours'.
19:59 / 17.07.06
Documentary on feral children RIGHT NOW on C4.
00:38 / 18.07.06
I PVRed it. Was it any good, Stoatie?

Did anyone see Unknown White Male on More4?
Evil Scientist
14:02 / 18.07.06
Hmm, they're re-showing that Prison Break on UK Gold.

Quite a good opening episode, although the protagonist is a little smug for my tastes. Still, I'm sure whacky prison brutality is just around the corner.

Anyone know what the name of the piece of music is called that they're using to advertise it? I'd rather like it for my iPod.

It's all like dahn dahn dahn dahn DAHN! You must know it.
14:39 / 18.07.06
According to Commercial Breaks and Beats it's "In The House, In A Heartbeat" by John Murphy. It's also on the 28 Days Later soundtrack album, apparently.
14:57 / 18.07.06
The feral children thing was fascinating- unfortunately I got quite drunk and don't remember much of it, other than a bit about a child in the 17th Century who'd been raised by dogs- I remember taking exception to the fact that he tried to comfort someone who'd recently been bereaved being taken as a sign that he was leaving dog traits behind. Obviously the doctor who made this observation didn't know dogs very well!

Other than that, though, it was very good, but I should really see if I can watch it again.
Evil Scientist
21:10 / 18.07.06
Ah, that's where I know it from. Merci Monsieur Weaving!
22:02 / 18.07.06
I think the point made, Stoatie, was that Victor recognised why Mme Guèrin was upset thus both removing the missing party's plate and consoling her. Dogs probably can be empathetic responding to a bereaved party's crying/mood/whimperng but may not necessarily know why?
I think there is a partial account of Victor in Andrew Miller's "Ingenious Pain" and Itard's exact notes are available online (in French) for anyone who's interested.
10:06 / 21.07.06
Tuned in to first episode of 'Sorted', from the same stable as Clocking Off & Shameless I think, and in a similar vein with a few familiar faces. So far so reassuring.

And what's this, a Scottish character with a fiery temper called 'Radge', how very helpful. I did enjoy his head-butting scene ("are you sleeping with my wife?" NUT! - yer drunk so I'll leave it at that, phone me in the morning to apologise!") eventhough I know it sets back Anglo-Scots cultural understanding by a few generations.

All in all a cosy hour of viewing, mebbe too cosy? Will try again next week, aw pants I'm away on holiday, make that the week after. (s'not really worth setting the video for)
13:32 / 21.07.06
anyone else catch the return of Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe on BBC Four last night? They've been trailijhng it all week, which has been a rather pleasant surprise gievn how much BBC4 gets pimped in the breaks (ie, not very much). A welcome return from the foul-mouthed critic, although I'm a little perplexed as to why he needs bleeping at 10.30pm but what do I know? It's refreshing to see someone who, like most of us, genuinely hates most of the tripe on the telly but unlike most of us, people asctually listen to him.

If you're not watching this, then shame on you! They've gone to the effort of not putting it up against Question Time and everything (unlike the Late Review which the BBC castrated with the same time slot, but up against Dimbleby and chums).

So, is this what we need more of on TV? Yeah, so he is just another pundit, but he's one that foams at the mouth and calls people cunts rather than simpering on about how great early 90's pop music was or some such bollocks.

Watch it?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:50 / 23.07.06
I suspect that after an entire series I may be sick of it, but watching it for the first time it's a bit fun and only gets slightly irritating every five or ten minutes.
12:18 / 23.07.06
I managed about ten minutes of Prehistoric Park yesterday, I quickly broke my vow of not shouting at the telly.

Presenter Nigel Marven runs around locating areas were dinosaurs should be rife and then uses his time machine to track them down. Once in dino land he runs around playing hide and seek with them then, in a Steve Irwin fashion, catches one and tries to put a sock over its' head.
The team even built a giant wooden pen IRL to accomodate the dinousaurs they were bringing back.

Did anyone else catch this? Please tell me I wasn't the only one shouting at that fucking rocket of a presenter telling us how to run away from a T-Rex.
Why do they waste time and money filling slots that would be nicely complemented with an Attenborough rerun - yes, yes I know it's not BBC but still...
Dead Megatron
14:04 / 23.07.06
telling us how to run away from a T-Rex

Because this is very important for one to survive in the wild nowadays, of course.

I was watching adult swin on Cartoon Network yesterday. Man, that Venture brothers show is really fun. And Michael Moore was on a (very) old Space Ghost Coast to Coast episode, before Fahreiheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine and the such.

"Did you see Roger and Me, Space Ghost?"

"Roger and I, Michael"

21:33 / 23.07.06
Currently watching YET ANOTHER C4 "the 50 best" show... only this time it's the 50 best comedy sketches, so it's a laugh.
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