anyone else catch the return of Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe on BBC Four last night? They've been trailijhng it all week, which has been a rather pleasant surprise gievn how much BBC4 gets pimped in the breaks (ie, not very much). A welcome return from the foul-mouthed critic, although I'm a little perplexed as to why he needs bleeping at 10.30pm but what do I know? It's refreshing to see someone who, like most of us, genuinely hates most of the tripe on the telly but unlike most of us, people asctually listen to him.
If you're not watching this, then shame on you! They've gone to the effort of not putting it up against Question Time and everything (unlike the Late Review which the BBC castrated with the same time slot, but up against Dimbleby and chums).
So, is this what we need more of on TV? Yeah, so he is just another pundit, but he's one that foams at the mouth and calls people cunts rather than simpering on about how great early 90's pop music was or some such bollocks.
Watch it? |