quote:Originally posted by HunterWolf:
But can anyone tell me just how they measure the readings from their "EGG"s? What exactly is the variance they're measuring?
From what I gather from that link the EGG's don't "measure" anything -- they just produce random numbers and report 'em back. Basically they're glorified white noise generators. The theory is that big changes in the "global consciousness" can impact those numbers, or in this case the variance among them. The farther the random number generation deviates from normality, I suppose, the more extraordinary it's considered.
Haven't you ever seen those tests where a computer has a little sprite moving in a Brownian pattern and someone tries to "will" it to go to one edge of the screen or another, or some such thing? Or tried to impact a 50% odds generator to lean one way or the other?
Or maybe that's just me...
As for electromagnetic waves... w-ell... technically EM fields inducting into the circuitry of the things, or random alpha particles and quarks and gluons and astral wossnames and all that foolishness impacting various components certainly could have an effect on the output. So the question of whether or not they're "measuring" anything is actually quite a deeply technical one.
It's entirely possible, for instance, that the spikes in variance you see on those charts were caused by the millions of TV's going on and phone calls being made in the area.
Which isn't to say it's not also a ramification of a ripple in the astral overmind. 
Hey, I'm easy. |