Yeah, so I'm a massive geek. I like to make 'art' and artlike products with programs, because that's how I roll (apparently).
This is my latest production: Chester and Jake, a webcomic which is generated randomly from a list of words.
Each word is used as the randomisation seed for a perl program which then generates some text which looks like this:
@char=chester seg=8 face=r exp=3
@char=jake seg=7 face=r exp=2
@char=chester seg=7 face=r exp=4
@char=jake seg=2 face=r exp=1
@char=chester seg=7 face=r exp=5
@char=jake seg=4 face=l exp=1
And then another perl program takes the above, and turns it into a useable image!
It's all very exciting. The word which is used to randomly generate these comics is then attached to the image as the title of the comic, and often, because of the way the human brain works, it's possible to draw some connection between the title and the content of the pictures. It's possible to build little narratives for some of them, which is interesting to me because, um, I'm a big nerd and I think semiotics is cool, and seeing meaning where no meaning ever was is an interesting thing to explain in that disipline. For me, anyway.
Here are some randomly generated comics, which have been shrunk down (I'll make the comics generate at a lower res soon, but I'm too lazy right now), so click on them for a higher-res version.

Now, I know the art is rubbish, though I think it's kind of cute. I'm going to get a friend of mine to re-draw the component images (because re-generating the pictures is not hard at all, thanks to automagic scripting), to make it prettier. But what do you think of it in general, and the idea behind it? It is viable? Is it art? |