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Beyond Tentacle Sex: Adult Manga/Hentai/Erotic Anime (NSFW)

19:59 / 05.07.06
Wiki on Hentai

A lot of us started with Urotsukidoji (Legend of the Overfiend) and somehow found something that we liked in that big ol' mess. Hentai is my personal favorite form of erotica because it allows me layers of surreal escape from the issues surrounding live action erotica/porn.

As addressed in other threads on erotica and porn, cultural signifiers play a huge role in how we label entertainment. In the wiki article the issue of using the term 'hentai' out of its original Japanese context is also raised.

My favorite adult anime is La Blue Girl. It's full of empowered female characters (as well as disempowered ones) and the main character is a half demon sex ninja named Miko. It's as explicit as Urotsukidoji but not as grim, or IMO, not as misogynistic.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:54 / 06.07.06
I saw the first episode of La Blue Girl I think, or maybe it was some other hentai. It wasn't dubbed so I have to ask, was the scene where she has rough unprotected sex with a huge alien penis consensual or not?

UPDATE: According to wikipedia it's rape, but it's done with humour, so that's okay.
All Acting Regiment
12:25 / 06.07.06
The fact that this is drawn as opposed to photographed makes a difference, I think, in terms of concern for the actors- the actors only lend their voices, which means there's no question of real, physical people getting forced to do real physical sex acts that aren't consensual.

On the other hand, that obviously doesn't stop the finished piece from being problematic, and it does bring up the issue of how the people who work on the anime are treated- including the higher level writers and so on, but also the voice actors and primarily the people who draw out every frame and do the inking and so on. What's the state of that industry as far as unions & etc?
14:52 / 06.07.06
A friend of mono's with whome we stayued when in New York used to have a job translating hentai. (Well, she translated all kinds of anime, but apparently the money's better in hentai and there's less dialogue so the work's easier). Some of the stuff she showed us I have to admit was... well, a bit much. I'll try to find out the names, but I'm not gonna look too hard, cos there're some things I could quite happily not see again.
16:28 / 06.07.06
yup there are some difficult subjects addressed in hentai and
I don't think because they are animated it absolves the consumer of the responsibility for what they are buying. Does it lessen the exploitation, and/or further the issue of sexual violence by making it more palatable?

I know a hentai voice actor and she enjoys making the good pay for the work but isn't always thrilled with the subject matter. She does not want to work the Cons in costume (though she physically could pull it off) because she isn't comfortable interacting with the people who watch the hentai. I think that says something to the effect that she doesn't feel exploited but she isn't 100% proud of how she makes her income either.

I've discovered for myself that I can create a mental acceptance for consensual pretend rape with live humans. However my discomfort is too great to watch the realness of it in live action porn. The surreal absurdity of hentai allows me to explore that state without the same level of distress. In truth I find I can't watch live action porn at all without being put off by something (be it the concern of exploitation of the actors or just the ridiculous faux plot).
08:20 / 16.07.06
But the bad plot is half the fun.

The fact that this is drawn as opposed to photographed makes a difference...
...there's no question of real, physical people getting forced to do real physical sex acts that aren't consensual.

In that regard, it might be worth mentioning that there exists a live-action remake of La Blue Girl, complete with tentacles and all. A trilogy, in fact.
23:47 / 16.07.06
I dunno if I would be up for live action sexcraft. I suspect it would be even more ridiculous and trigger my sitcom tension aversion.

The spouse just informed me there is a hentai tentacle (I say hentacle for short) card game floating around on

I dunno if I could sit around a table with a bunch of folks playing as a hentacle beasties trying to...well you know what they do.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:10 / 17.07.06
14:58 / 17.07.06

*single tear of happiness*
04:24 / 18.07.06
I'm glad that you brought that up, Stoatie! Some of the stuff she was working on then was totally hilarious! I really like the comedy hentai stuff.

When this friend and I were sharing a house together, we had to do a quick job of cleaning up the porn every time parents came to visit. The house was almost literally full of the stuff, so I'm weirdly immune to most of it now.

And she has to use a pseudonym for the hentai translations because some of her colleagues were getting death threats from crazy right-wingers.
11:55 / 18.07.06
The pirate one with the princess eating poo...
13:37 / 18.07.06
And she has to use a pseudonym for the hentai translations because some of her colleagues were getting death threats from crazy right-wingers.

Really? I've not heard similar tales from the person I know who does the voice overs. I shall ask...
Liger Null
23:41 / 18.07.06
Remember people:

No Means No!
00:18 / 19.07.06
Is it wrong that I love those comics?
02:51 / 19.07.06
I'm being totally serious about the pseudonym thing.

And the pirate poo may have scarred me for life.
14:03 / 19.07.06
I've often wondered which came first, my exposure to hentai or my ability/receptivity to like hentai.
Was it just a magic moment of a pervert finding a new form of indulgence or did the act of veiwing it result in a Stockholm syndrome-esque development?

'Cause yes some of it is capable of searing the brain with indelible images.
13:34 / 21.07.06
All right then, who has other hentai titles near and dear to their tentacles?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:47 / 23.07.06
xk I've often wondered which came first, my exposure to hentai or my ability/receptivity to like hentai.

Hmmm, was one or other of your parents or guardians a voracious betentacled space-monster? How about someone you admired at school?
14:57 / 23.07.06
I was a self aware perv before hentai, but no sadly, the only tentacles I'd been aware of were either normal sea folk and the Loveraftian Mythos kind, which I do not ever think of in a sexy way.
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