cheers for the concern lula, but it's cool really - always plenty o valium in our medicine cupboard (joke – but y’know, there is history here and this kind of panic wasn’t unanticipated). all the remedies have been tried, but now just the smell of ginger is enough to set off a round of bucket grabbing. doctors etc. have said that the nausea levels are high but not abnormal, and the whole ‘it means your body’s doing good for the baby’ thing has been taken to heart.
stress early on was due to nicotine cold-turkey as much as anything and is now due to us both being grumpy in this hot weather, plus her not feeling confident enough to leave the flat much for couple of weeks (likelihood of being sick in the street rather than agoraphobia – not that she’s not vulnerable to it, but that she knows the practical steps to take to beat it). She’d be daft not to be a bit miserable about that. She has stabilized somewhat in the past couple of days, in that she seems to get a break from the nausea for a good few hours in the middle of the day before the 7-10pm replay.
Other stresses are of the mundane character – need for new job, place to live, going to an untested dentist things like that. I’m kind of proud of her for being a bit freaked-out by the whole thing really – it just means she’s thinking it through – our lives as they used to be are about to vanish, and she’s self-heady enough to want to explore the ramifications of that by herself. A bit too much? quite possibly.
And y’know, I did come home semi-shitfaced last night and an hour later than I promised – she’s allowed to get a bit pissed-off at that!
And me? well I’m just excited, but even that’s getting a bit wearing! |