Given that we're in my neck o'the woods, and Loomis and Ariadne are away, I suppose it makes me a kind of de facto organiser, I think.
OK, because a few people we don't see much (or have ever before seen) have said Friday 18th, that might be nice, even though we had a bit of a concensus on 19th. Actually, hell with it, I'll be free both days.
So, can I have a show of hands for preference: Friday or Saturday? Don't forget, it's the Fest so trains run late to the Wild West. Sofa/airbed space is available roughly 20 yards from where Swashbuckling is performing (yes, I know, I've been busy). Anyone want to make it a full-on geekfest?
(pps, will be phoning the F-Bridge posse tomorrow; I also expect to see a certain lurky hombre with a Strongbad shirt to turn up... ahem, Mr C?) |